
Why is Bas Rutten a commentator for IFL and not UFC?

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Bas was the famous fighter and ringside commentator for Pride FC which was ( among the UFC) the most popular division in the world. So doesn't it seem like he should be commentating beside Joe rogan rather that the person that is now. What is Dana White thinking? Has he no respect?




  1. Bas is really focused on being a trainer an making videos, writing books, etc. as opposed to being a commentator so I wonder who made the call...was it Bas or Zuffa?    

    UFC probably wanted to introduce the sport to the broader US audience with people who are easy to understand (Bas has a fairly thick accent) and entertaining.  

    Clearly UFC did not choose commentators based on knowledge of the sport.

    Mike Goldberg is a doofus and constantly gets it wrong despite the fact that he's training now.  Joe Rogan has some knowledge (not a whole lot sometimes), even though his commentary is colored by his own views about what a fighter can and should do.  The guy is a stand-up comedian and did Fear Factor - what do you expect!  I personally think it's hilarious to listen to him call a fight.

    The UFC commentators do a fine job for what they do - entertain and chat about fighting, fighters, stats, etc.  Just don't take their input on actual skill or technique as being valid.  I say lay back and wait for the next "goat v****a" comment from Rogan or "nice teep" idiotic comment from's comedy!   If you want to learn something, hit mute!

  2. Because Bas chose the IFL instead. Dana White will never hire him.

  3. good question , id guess u'd have to ask bas himself,

    ufc would hire him in a heartbeat i would assume ,

    but mike goldberg and joe rogan do an excellent job

    if you ask me, stephan quadros and bas were a better

    team i might add , just by a bit though.

  4. always in boxing and in the other mma shows they have a former fighter do the comentary i think that is alot better i actually was wondering that same thing they should ditch that other guy and have rogan and some former fighter do the commentary

  5. Because he felt like it. Why does one work at Burger King and not McDonald's?

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