
Why is Biden a LAME pick for Obama ?

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And ....why are the dems gonna lose in 2008?




  1. He's not.

    Obama - Biden 08

  2. All you have to do is ask someone what Joe Biden stands for, they have no idea.  

  3. He doesn't bring anything different that McCain can't handle...except for being owned by labor unions...YAY

  4. Obama handed the Presidency to McCain (plus a running mate to be named later) when he selected Joe Biden as VP-nominee.

    Now, the Democrats have no consistency between their chosen representatives and their message.

    Barak has tried to give the impression that he's not a Washington "insider".  Joe Biden IS.   Since 1972.

    Barak wants to be "above" race, yet calls attention to it, relying on a 90%+ vote from blacks.  Biden's previous comments about Barak raise questions of latent racism.  Even if Joe's NOT racist, the appearance thereof conflicts with Barak's efforts.

    (Far less evidence of racism has been more than enough for Jesse Jackson and Rev. Sharpton to cry "Racist!!"  Why should Joe Biden get a "pass" now?)

    The DNC and surrogates constantly question McCain's age ... Biden's only 7 years younger than McCain.  If McCain's "too old" to be President, wouldn't the same apply to the person selected to potentially step into the office should anything happen to Obama??

    The DNC wants to paint McCain as "Rich", and therefore not in touch with the rest of all of us.  Biden's rich too.  (So's Obama.  At least he earned it through book sales.  As far as ownership of houses goes, the McCain houses are in Cindy McCain's name, who earns substantially more than John ... Barak enlisted 'help' from Tony Rezko to buy his multi-million dollar mansion.)

    Obama wanted to run, not on experience (as he doesn't have any), but on Judgment ... "I voted against the war, vote for me."  Joe Biden voted FOR the war, justified his vote, and cited at-the-time-current, and believed, intelligence information.

    At least there's consistency in the pairing in one area: both are prone to exaggeration when lacking hard numbers and evidence.  Joe Biden admits to exaggeration when he gets "worked up".  Is this a wise choice for a world-leader, on a world stage.  Would this be a way to "repair" America's "standing in the world"????

  5. It turns out he's not...

    I was worried that Hillary would feel cut out - but that's obviously not the case...

    He came out of the gates with guns blazing and laid right into McCain like a junkyard dog...

    Obama/Biden '08

  6. because biden has insulted barrack obama in the past, i mean you dont pick someone who says ur policies suck, the only thing hes trying to do with biden is say "hey look, i may not be experienced but this guy kinda is" well guess what barrack a vice president is supposed to help you run the country, not do it for you

    and they are hopefully going to lose because people will see socialism just doesnt work

  7. He isn't. They aren't.

  8. I think he is a bad choice because Obama is running on change and Biden has been around a long time.  Perhaps as long as McCain (I dont know exactly)

    Also, Obama has always had a relatively inoffensive personality, and I think Biden is worse than Kerry.

    Biden will counterbalance all of Obama's "positive" points and suck the life right out of the campaign.

    Biden took GWB side on the war in Iraq.  He still defends it.

  9. joe biden has the experience the republican say obama is lacking.

    the republican's will loose,i cant see anyone wanting 4 more years of the bush prosperity.

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