
Why is Bill Clinton the only speaker at the DNC Convention who strayed from the "rags to riches theme"?

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Members of Congress and others who have been asked to address the convention must have their speeches approved by the Obama campaign. In many cases, the speeches are drastically changed — to the point where the original speech is completely scrapped, Democratic sources say.

The Democratic source expressed dismay as to why nearly everyone delivering speeches on behalf of Obama has to have a rags-to-riches story, dredging him- or herself up out of poverty and into prosperity. The source conceded, though, that it is Obama’s convention and he has a right to do as he pleases.

Is Obama's entire campaign message based on 'what the government can do for you'?

What are your thoughts?




  1. The New York Times reported that Bill's speech was not reviewed by the Obama campaign.  Bill did give them a copy for review prior to his scheduled time to speak, however, as a courtesy.

    Obama's personal story is frankly a good one.  Like Bill, he was smart as a young man, and, used his intelligence to "make something of himself".

    It is an all American tale really, the kid living in humble circumstances as a youth becoming a nationally recognized figure.  It is a smart theme for people to mention, when crediting Obama.

    Keeping to a scripted message is par for the course in both party's since the early 70's.  I'm a little surprised that more thunder hasn't been on stage in Denver, thunder blasting at McCain and Bush and Cheney.

    I think the rags to riches story is in play as a "positive message", but, I am surprised more virulance hasn't entered the speeches, for, there is a lot to attack the Republicans on: fiscal irresponsibility in not balancing the budget, eavesdropping, Iraq and the deceit which brought it about, the nervousness in the world, and the like.

  2. His campaign is trying to deflect his inexperience as an issue.  Bill Clinton, Hillary and Biden all pointed out his lack of experience in the primaries, now all of a sudden, they are all on board saying he is ready.  So they tell a heart warming story of how he came from nothing to something, that mom panted him on the back each day, and sent him out in the horrible world and he managed to succeed.  Meanwhile John McCain was a horrible Military brat.  That he was privileged because his father was serving his country.  What a crock.  It boggles my mind, how so many seemingly intelligent people can buy this smack.  

  3. Sounds like Obama keeps a tight rein on the flow of information.

    Maybe he is trying to strenthen the case of Affirmative Action.

  4. The bottom line is that the Democratic party of the JFK era is dead.  The Republican Party has become what the Democratic Party was... and the Democratic Party is now the Socialist Party.

    All of these politicians in the DNC love to cry about how we are all starving to death and the rich are getting richer under Bush.  Just how much money do these talking heads have?  Funny how all of them cry about the "tax breaks for the rich" when its the middle class that will get hammered under IBM's plan.

    I make about 85 grand a year.  My taxes dropped about 3 k a year under the Bush tax plan.

    I read a study the other day that said if Obama got into office, my taxes would go up between 2 and 4 k a year.

    So, lie on, Pelosi and her ilk.  We are all doomed if Obama gets into office!

  5. No. the message is that, there is a place we can all be in, that is in between the government dictating everything we do... and the government delighting in our hardships.

    right now, the government delights, or is indifferent to the hardships of the Average American.

    Obama and democrats believes that a Government should be concerned when her people are suffering, or falling behind the rest of the industrialized world in areas like personal financial growth, health-care (infant mortality is worse in America than in ANY OTHER industrialized country, and is behind many other much smaller and poorer countries as well), employment and , overall, happiness...

  6. No, it's not the campaign message based on what the government can do for you. It's a message of what you can do for yourself.

    Fact is, Clinton didn't come from money, neither did Obama.

    There  stories are inspiring.

  7. Perhaps because he now charges $ 10 million just to give a speech...

    I find it amusing that the members of the communist revolution in USSR had that same "working man" mentality!

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