
Why is Bill Kaulitz in rehabilitation?

by Guest67143  |  earlier

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How long has he been there and when will he get out?




  1. bill was in rehad because he developed a cyst on his vocal cord. he developed it because he sang too much. (poor him) he was not able to talk for three weeks and was in rehab for six. his is doing fine now and is said to be rehearsing for some up coming shows! hope this helps

  2. Bill was in rehab,

    not for substance use,

    but for a cyst on his vocal cord,

    he got it cut out and is doing fine :]

    he was said to be in rehab for a couple of days.

  3. Because he obviously has a substance abuse problem that he is trying to kick.

    I wish him the best of luck.

  4. He had to have emergency surgery at the cancellation of the Lisbon show earlier this month because he had to have a cyst cut out of his throat.

    He was supposed to be in singing rehabiiliation for 4 weeks and of course our little soldier will get through it just fine! :)

    He'll work very hard and is gonna be so happy when he's singing again!!


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