
Why is Biryani a favorite dish of the majority of people?

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What do you like about biryani?




  1. Biryani is not the only Dish that I like

  2. mmmmmmmm  biriyani...stop it sister:) im drooling here

    i don't mind having biriyani 24/7 ;-)

    im gonna post a biriyani recipe!!thanks for the motivation!!

  3. Because it's delicious!

    BTW, my cooking history book says that biryani originated in Iraq (ancient Mesopotamia), then migrated to India and back again, undergoing changes along the way.

  4. spice flavor with rice and chicken and potatoes i love bombay and sindhi biryanies

  5. LMAO- after having some in syria i cant stand it

  6. yummy that's why

  7. Biryani is DELICIOUS.. yummyyy.. i want some now  

  8. Is it really? I like biryani cus it tastes yummy. But it takes forever to prepare it! Maybe thats why its more satisfying. :)

  9. Too many indians and the spread of their culture...i hate mom makes it sooo often.  Well i can't stand rice.   It looks gross.

    and to note...i am indian.....

  10. ~I love the smell !!

    ~It's own uniqueness of yellow/orange(i think mix of both lol) rice.

    ~Spicy! I prefer it really really spicy. Even after panting like mad, i'll still go for it! Addictive. mmm..

    *_* I'm dying for nasi briyani !!

  11. The happiness it gives when brought before and the joy while eating are beyond words. When we eat many other things to fill our belly and rid hunger, biriyani is specially prepared to be tasty and eaten for taste on tasty days. That's why it becomes favorite.

  12. The Hot spices.


  13. Because it great, no one can dislike biryani.

    I love the blend of the spices, its that unique taste and aroma...i feel like eating some right now, im really hungry.

  14. Chicken Brayani Is too Yummy ......................ummmmm

    mouth filled with water han ...............


  15. I like it because it has a lot of my favorite things in it.

    Do you like it?

  16. Because people like the taste of it

  17. Yummy! ;>

    Asking such a question, I guess you've never tasted it.....Am I right???

    Anyway, I like it because of its unique taste.....However, it should be well prepared....The best briyani I've eaten was the one prepared by Suratis(people living in Surat, India), in fact it was my own aunt....She's z best when it comes to biryani....!!! :>

  18. Its a yummy yum dish, thats why :D..

    Making such a special dish with all those various kinds of masalas and spices used.. its one of the tastiest dish ever :D

  19. because,  it is Biryani,  if it includes chicken, then yummy!!

    lol,i like the rice about biryani!!

  20. Because it is a combination of taste, arroma & taste.But I personally feel u have to make it rite to get the real taste of it.

  21. cuz it is tasty. It is spicy and deliciious lol.

  22. It's a fav coz as Nomi said it has 3 in 1  combination. plus u can just serve it on it's own without the requirment of another dish 2 go with it like chicken curry or ....e.t.c.just a nice diet drink & some youghurt or salad.

    I love Biryani too but our's is not as spicy.  

  23. its easily manageable with just the spoon....I dont have to worry about dropping salan on my clothes....its like the 2 in 1 shampoo. I dont have to work twice to apply the conditioner  first and then the shampoo or is it the other way around??? Anywayz, it takes less effort and yet gives the same level of satisfaction

  24. cuz people put chicken and stuff in it lol

    personally, i dont like biryani  

  25. It is yummy yummy yummyyy thats whyyy it is liked by people :D

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