
Why is Britain not the most friendliest Country on earth?

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Neither are the Brits or their immigrants

why is that?




  1. Britain isn't the friendliest because other places are - Ireland and Denmark for instance. I have also found the French to be quite warm. Parts of Britain - such as Scotland are fine though.

  2. If I could humbly disagree, I think the British are wonderful people. They are friendly, loving, caring, understanding, and it's just amazing being around them.

    I love British people.

  3. what do you want us to do?  line up in the street and shake the hand of every person who decides to come and see how cute our old buildings are and to hear our weird accents and giggle at them

    we are not bit-part actors in your time travel ... we are real human beings getting on with living our lives ... we are perfectly friendly

  4. Take a stroll along a canal towpath on a lovely Spring or Summer morning.

    I can guarantee that most of the people you meet will greet you with a smile and a cheery word.

    Walk down a busy High Street and you have a different response.

    Go into a huge supermarket and people will rarely notice you; go into a shop and people will chat.

    We won't be all over you but if you extend a friendly hand first, you may be surprised and find it grasped in friendship.

  5. I hate to be pedantic but Britain isn't a country =]

    Well I am British and I think we are friendly.

    Proud to be British =]

  6. How can you stereotype an entire nation? What do you base this sweeping generalisation on? Is this your own experience or something you've read on the internet, perhaps?

    A lot depends on how you present yourself as a tourist. If you go around complaining loudly about how much bigger and better and cheaper everything is back home, you're going to be unwelcome everywhere. My daughter's dad is American and he behaved like this when I lived in the UK. Now I've moved to Australia, he still does the same thing when he visits and everyone is equally fed up with him here.

    Friendliness works both ways.

  7. they are reserved so they don't say howdy to people they don't know. maybe it's related to their class-consciousness?

  8. Total rubbish!

    Have you ever been?

    If you have, i would guess it was one of the larger cities - which are the same the world over - the inhabitants are afraid and insular.

  9. ummm... I don't know but I will be moving to Britain in less than a month so please don't scare me! lol, I'm just kidding, it's just that I've heard so many people say the same thing, it's just a little scary. lol.

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