
Why is Britains Economy hitting lows.??

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Can anyone add to my list...

Britain gives Tax payers money away to other Countries for economic Aid and support.

Britains MP`s siphon money from the Tax payer in elaborate expenses.

Britain over taxes its citizens and keeps those on low pay in debt, because thats the only way some people survive. All British Governments have been the same.

This Government has lost the plot and needs to yesterday?

Britains Government doesnt invest in its people full stop!

Im sure there are many more problems associated with the Governing of this Country....that are very questionable? I dont know about the Government clamping down on its peoples spending, they should get there own house in order. Those that throw stones should not live in glass houses.!




  1. The only problem is the high cost of fuel which translates directly into higher prices for other goods and services.

  2. Because more and more people are taking huge loans from the Banks and unfortunately, most cant pay back.

    The price of Oil is going down btw.

  3. In fairness the downturn is a worldwide one caused by oil and the fact that the banks tried to be clever and and lent money lots of money to people who had no chance of paying it back in the case of a slight downturn. The banks found it was all going wrong and would not lend one another any money. This increased the rate of downturn. Also our then beloved and prudent Chancellor of Exchequer now Prime Minister Gordon "Clown" Brown spent money he did  not have by selling off half our gold reserves at a knock down price . This means that we have few if any reserves to tide us through. All of this in spite of many private warnings from the city over several years. So in conclusion the Banks the City, perhaps to a lesser extend because they trade in a market and can spot a downturn a mile off,   and our beloved Government all forgot or more like ignored  the basic need of any economy to build up a reserve against an economic downturn.  Guess who pays???    

  4. everything is on a fine balance.

    its harder to get a mortgage because the cost of liveing /fuel have gone up

    so houses dont sell

    so the builders have to lay off workers,who have no choice but to claim benifits

    all the supliers to the builders start to lay people off as there is no one to supply to,dont forget suppliers are everything from nails-timber-plumbing-kitchiens-bathroom... the good old cafe has less buisness because people are no longer on site or dealivering to site,so they go through as well.

    and with all those people out of work,less tax is paid in,more benifits are paid out

  5. It is the world economy that is hitting Britain. It is not all of our own making.

    Instead of adding to your list, I would take a lot off that are misconceptions.

  6. They aren,t very good at bookkeeping are they ?.

  7. The problems you have outlined are inherent in all political groups.

                                    In the UK, and maybe in USA, we don't have a lot of choice , we have one group (the cons) representing the rich, and themselves.  Then we have the other lot supposed to be representing the poor, (and themselves)!

                                       What is your suggestion exactly?

    You feel the present world crisis is down to this new Labour party, we should swap them for the cons'?

                                            All suggestions welcomed.

  8. why do you think we get fined for everything we do. we get watched all the time we are moving into a very expensive police state. we have very little choice.

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