
Why is Bush so bad at pronunciation and speech?

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Does he have some sort of impediment?




  1. He's an effing embarassment. Flaming deusch. Retarded cowboy. Most of all, he lacks common intelligence. As for a speech impediment, I don't think. However, his mental retardation could factor in and make him sound like an idiot.

  2. Im going with low IQ

  3. He's ignorant and what's worse, he is too arrogant to even accept that he's wrong and learn from his mistakes. (Unfortunately, this is true not only of his grammar and elocution, but of how he's conducted his entire term in office.)

  4. What would be the right answer that He would not tell anyone else till he was not sub post to get the message also...

    I find that alot,, someone else thought and I cannot agree at this time if that is what is the problem at all !!!

  5. Hes a r****d...simple as that!

  6. No he is too busy thinking in his hed while he is talking to the nation: "H ha I fu$ked you guys bd, you owe my buddy d**k Cheney billions that yo e=will have to pay to him over time.  This is too funny, I can't believe you idiots bought it."  It makes it kind of hard to speak intelligently if you aren't thinking about what you are saying.  I believe he follows that up with "Dad!  Where's my beer?  And my bag of Coke"  While daddy replies, "It's right next to my flight suit, the one I let you borrow when we invaded Iraq since you lost yours when you went AWOL"  This country is pthetic, he should be in jail or hung like the constitution says, not ridiculed on YA.

  7. I think you should direct this question directly to Pres. Bush!

  8. No, he does not have an "impediment". His pronounciation is good; he speaks poorly because he is a business graduate, NOT a lawyer, such as Obama, Hillary, and Clinton.

    Used car salesmen are good talkers; apparently, that is what most people want, used car salemen, such as Obama, Hillary, and Bill.

  9. He is playing at being an idiot to keep from being held to account for his crimes.

  10. hes not so bad

  11. Um, because he's HUMAN!

  12. He's "special." His parents would be wise to make him wear a helmet. Poor guy.

  13. Because he is an idiot, his father bought his son's college diploma.

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