
Why is Bush still unpopular since he says we've practically won the Iraq war and claims there is no recession?

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Why is Bush still unpopular since he says we've practically won the Iraq war and claims there is no recession?




  1. Ok, I'll try to explain this once more. Bush is still unpopular because if morons in congress blaming him for everything, instead of stepping up and admitting that they are morons.

    There is not a recession, it was simply a downturn caused by decisions made by the democrat run congress. A recession is defined a consecutive months of negative growth. There has been one (that's 1, for those of you that reading impaired) month of negative growth. And again, that was caused by the cost of fuel rising faster then wages.

    Second, he said mission accomplished. The military walked through Iraq, kicked Iraqi a$$, and dethroned the other Hussein. The Mission WAS Accomplished. The next mission was to stabilize the economy, and build a republic. Even that mission is almost done.

  2. Because there are a lot of weak-minded gullible liberals infesting our country.

  3. Gee, I guess people are just too stupid to appreciate all that he's done for the world. Uh, I'm trying to think of all the good things he did. It's just not coming to me.... Oh well....

  4. Because he has all but ruined this country in less than 8 years. Look around you. Do think everything is fine because gas dropped to a whopping 3.57? Do you think the trillions that are being pumped into Iraq are worth the cost to this nation? Gas and oil are not the main problem in this country by a long shot. it's just a diversion by the republican propaganda machine so we don't pay attention to the real problems.

  5. Because he is a lying sack of s**t?

    If Bush says we've practically won the war, then we are almost certainly losing.

    If he says there is no recession, then we must be nearing financial collapse.

    War is peace

    Freedom is slavery

    Ignorance is strength

    Do you love Big Brother or what?

  6. Because the American people know better. He can say it all he wants, it doesn't make it true.

  7. he is twice as popular as the democratic led congress...go figure since they were going to fix all of his mistakes...gas has almost doubled since then, inflation has gone up...hhhhmmmm

  8. mission accomplished

  9. Simple, there was no reason to go to war in the first place. Now the national debt is doubled, and that places unwanted pressure on the economy.  

  10. Unemployment is up... the real estate market is still crashing/Stock market is low... US consumers have gained loads of debt via 20 years of spending like there's no tommorow Federal reserve propaganda... He's the leader of the USA and whoever is at the top is basically reponsible for everything.

  11. same reason dems are so unpopular since weve left Iraq and lowered gas prices as they promised to do to get elected.

  12. Lying doesn't seem popular for some reason.

  13. the people are just not going to believe him. and think that he is ignoring them since hes not doing any thing to prevent recession and question that if the war is already won then why are our troops still there.

  14. People take a look at his claims and laugh.  That's why.

    Why exactly is Democratic led Congress doing so poorly?  Oh yeah, look at the guy with the veto power.....they KNOW he'll shoot everything they get passed down.


  15. because Bush is just not likeable all round  

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