
Why is Bush such a bad president? Or why does everyone think that?

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I don't follow politics at all. But I watched a speech last night from Hilary Clinton, and I was surprised how nasty she was towards McCain and Bush.

Everything thats gone wrong in the past few years.. Gas.. War (well obviously war is all bush) But are people blaming him for that? What is bush responsible for?

Why are you voting for Barak over McCain or vice versa?




  1. Bush isnt responsible for us going to war. We all wanted to Get Osama. We were all like YEA! get him. And then the C.I.A had faulty intelligence saying IraQ had WMD,s We tried to send Un inspectors in to check it out. Saddam wouldnt let us in at first. They finally did after they had time to hide them. So we went to war again. Saddams Gone. Yes thats good. We are fighting TERRORISTS over there to. when we leave Iraq without destroying them terrorists, We will be at war here in the U.S. They are not afraid to die. They have suicide bombers we do not. They will kill civilians anywhere at any time. is that what you want?

  2. Well, considering dozens of Democrats voted to go to war with Iraq, Democrats caused the current economic disaster by requiring banks to lower their lending standards to help the poor, and gas prices are a direct result of the Democrats blocking drilling for our own oil for the past 30 years, I don't know why they blame Bush for anything.

    Ok, so I do know why, he "stole" two elections from a couple of dimwits, but that doesn't make these messes his fault.

  3. They do everything to keep people from living their best life but everything so they can make the most money. They create things to steal from the country. We have a mortgage crisis & McCain is a good friend to the person involved in it. Yet when he is asked how many houses he has he say things about Obama buying a house from a crook yet we don't know who McCain buys all his houses or how many I believe he is buying up the houses of the people who are losing them.They are so bad for our country & there is a TV stations that is owned by someone who has paid republicans to have laws changed in his favor this is Fox News. The use some kind of subliminal messages to attract & keep people while people who watch this show act like idiots believing all kinds of ridiculouss things that make so logical sense.

  4. everyone think so because hes, quite frankly, a horrible public speaker, he slips up alot, and the left are hateful b******s, so they call him a moron, hes a good president, and the only thing hes done wrong (at least in liberal eyes) is be right wing, if he was spouting thing about abortions to everyone at the tax payers expense, and global health-care, then despite his horrible public speaking, the left would be calling him saint George

    and I'm going to be voting for McCain because the right wing has America in mind, and the left wing has bankrupting America in mind, just like all the liberal European country's have done to themselves

  5. I think Bush has been a good President.  The Democrats seem to be running their whole campaign on Bush is bad, everything is Bush's fault and even thought Bush is not very popular neither is the Democrat run Congress.  I don't blame Bush for every problem.  I don't blame him for the war in Iraq.  I blame Saddam Hussein for that.

    I will not vote for Obama, becuase he has socialist ideas.  He believes that the answer to every problem is more government and more spending.  I do not agree with McCain on every issue but he is much more experianced and has better ideas than Obama.

    Some people are just suffering from a bad case of Bush Derangement Syndrome.

  6. Bush has consistently placed party ideology and his personal agenda over realistic evaluation of the National and International circumstances.  When he took office U.S. prestige and influence were at a tremendous high, and our economic situation was better than it had been in years, he has changed all that for the worse.  An effective President has to be able to adapt to change and alter policies if they prove ineffective, a stubborn denial to do that leads to disaster, as we have seen repeatedly over the last seven years.  I do not so much support Obama, or even the Democrats, who aren't much better, as I oppose the current policies and McCain's insistence on maintaining them.  In this election, as in far too many others, it's not a question of the "Best" man for the job, but of the "Least Bad" one.

  7. 1. Iraq war disaster.

    2. Tax breaks for the top 5%, at the expense of everyone else.

    3. Tax breaks for oil companies.

    4. Failure to address falling economy.

    5. Failure to address what many consider to be the biggest long-term problems in the US (health-care, social security, etc.)

    6. Record deficit.

    7. Unbalancing the Supreme Court.

    A Democratic win will start to heal these wounds.

  8. There are a lot of things that occurred on his watch. I think people are turning a pretty large blind eye when not holding him accountable for it.  

  9. bush deserves being disliked for his complete stupidity.

    I'm not sure who i'm voting for yet...I probably won't decide for a while

    Just that you know, YOU SHOULD EXPECT THIS kind of criticism from both sides. (especially McCain...have you seen all his ads, they have basically been attack ads.) Yeah it seems like the American people need a scape goat, and it definitely is George Bush.... and he deserves it.

    Right now it's hard to trust either candidate. It's basically who do you think is sincere and not going to lie to the American people. Because you know both candidates are not 100% truthfully honest with the people. Right now they just want to gain your vote.

    If I were you I'd follow more of the upcoming news in order to make the right choice. Good Luck, cause i'm still not sure...

    Rope you ignorant ba$tard,

    Why don't you take a look at why our country is so in debt. Are you saying democrats are responsible for our debt. Check again. Maybe because were in a war that we shouldn't be. Spending TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN USED TO PROTECT  AND REBUILD OUR COUNTRY!!!

    2nd... he's a horrible speaker... check out the bushism....

    “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” —Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

    3rd: He never brought conclusive evidence of why we are in Iraq


  11. The president and his party take the blame when the electorate is upset about two main issues: 1) war, 2) the economy.  As you say, Bush gets the blame for the war.  Economic problems always have multiple causes, but this economy has been take down largely by a blow up in credit.  The president gets the blame here too, because the executive branch is responsible for bank and brokerage oversight through groups like the FDIC and the SEC.  Those guys were asleep at the switch.

    McCain will continue existing policies on the war and the economy.  Can't see why anyone would want that.

  12. I'm surprised you thought she was nasty. Wait till you watch the RNC if you want to see nasty. They wrote the book. Hillary simply told the truth.

  13. GW Bush was born incompetent, and I'm voting for Obama because John McCain was a turn coat when he was a prisoner. Here check it out for yourself.

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