
Why is CNN's Campbell Brown hating on Sarah Palin with such furious attack?

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She seems to really hate the choice and pounds on Sarah's lack of experience and inemptness. That is not typical by other broadcasters and none of the web blogs. Is Campbell Brown just doing the bidding of TimeWarner conglomerate or is she just biased?




  1. She's an Obama supporter who is threatened by Palin because she doesn't upport the normal feminist issues. Gov. Palin is against g*y marriage and is pro-life.

  2. The DNC is panicking.  Sen. Barbara Boxer told Clinton supporters to vote for Obama.  Hahahaha....In your dreams!

    The DNC punished the VOTERS of Florida and Michigan with DISENFRANCHISEMENT because of the actions of their elected officials. In Florida, Democratic VOTERS WERE DISENFRANCHISED because of the shenanigans of a REPUBLICAN legislature.

    The DNC CHANGED THE VOTES of 600,000 Michiganders on May 31, 2008 when it stole 4 pledged delegates from one candidate and re-pledged them to another.

    The Obama Movement PAID THE SUPERDELEGATES who endorsed Senator Obama. Crucial Super Delegates pledged their support to Obama after the Obama Movement contributed tens of thousands of dollars to them. These were Super Delegates whose constituents had voted overwhelmingly for Senator Clinton in the primaries.

    The DNC ALLOWED SEXIST BIAS TO HANDICAP THE ONLY WOMAN IN THE RACE. When Tucker Carlson said that Hillary Clinton was a CASTRATOR, the DNC WAS SILENT. When Chris Matthews said that Bill Clinton’s INFIDELITY was the ONLY REASON for Hillary Clinton’s achievements, the DNC WAS SILENT. When the MEDIA CIRCUS unleashed a sexist onslaught of criticism against Senator Clinton regarding: her laugh, her cleavage, her pants, her wrinkles, her earrings, her “bitchiness,” her emotional “instability” the DNC WAS SILENT.

    The DNC and the Obama Movement SUPPRESSED THE VOTES OF CLINTON DELEGATES at the National Convention in Denver. On August 27th, 2008 the DNC and the Obama Movement maneuvered an undemocratic and underhanded voting script to ensure that Hillary Clinton’s pledged delegates (and the 18 million votes they represented) HAD NO VOTE. Entire state delegations were brow-beaten into voting Present or Passing their votes to other states. August 27, 2008 is a day that will live in infamy for the Democratic National Committee.

    No way, No how, NObama!!

  3. OMG I had to turn of the TV, she was so brown nosed and spiteful, she has a personal vendetta, that should not be allowed on news stations!

    And I just cant believe it Sarah gave a beautiful speech and no teleprompter in sight, she is the real thing!

  4. She gets her salary from George Soros.

    Funny the far left is so biased to maintain these double-standards.

    a junior senator that votes 'present' versus this Lady with an 80% approval rating with excellent executive leadership and will cross party lines to avoid pandering to Big Oil and other special interest groups to stand for the values she believes in VS of the great flip-flopper Obama?

  5. I feel she is telling it like it is, but in a nice way actually. For she could be really rude, and tell it straight up, like I see it. Sarah Palin is being played, like a fiddle puppet, by her running mate, dah !!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Probably upset her gender is being objectified to attempt to win an election.

  7. It sells.  See?  You're not only paying attention, you're doing their advertising for them by spreading the word.

  8. Campbell Brown is person that doesn't like hypocrites. McCain has always been bashing on Obama on how he doesn't have experience and now McCain brings in a person that has even less experience that Obama.

  9. Because last nights glow has been shattered by the reality of a woman picked for McCains VP who is more experienced than Obama and she simply can't handle it.

  10. she hates it because she knows her "ticket" is seriously threatend

  11. Simple. Sheer uncontrollable panic by an Obama supporter recognizing the superiority of the vp pick and it's viable threat to Obama's campaign.

    So unprofessional, it's laughable.

  12. Hmmm.... could it be.........jealousy?.......................

  13. Can't you figure it out?  McCain just inserted a woman, Palin, between the Presidency and Democrap Speaker Pelosi !! And, he gave Hillary a reason to vote for him.  Campbell Brown has shown her bias towards Democrats in the face of a superior VP candidate that even rivals little boy Obama himself!!

  14. She's peeved off she.

    She wants to see Obama being the President and McCain has stole the thunder from last night

    She doesn't mention Hillary has zero experience at anything when Hillary ran for Senate the first time.

  15. I don't know much about Campbell Brown since I rarely watch CNN but since CNN is liberal I suspect she is a big Obama backer and the pick of Sarah Palin is got her worried.

  16. First - Saphire seems to be having a psychotic episode, and should seek help for the hallucinations she is having.  Suddenly the LIBERAL media are haters of the Clinton's?

    Now as for all of you who are saying Sarah Palin has so much experience  - AT WHAT????

    She was a Mayor for 10 years, of a town of only 8000 people.   That would put about 20,000 other Mayors in this country as having more experience than she does on that count.

    Then she was elected as Governor of the State.  But as Alaska only has about 700,000 citizens, there would be some 46 other Governors that have far more experience than her, both in time served as well as the size of the state and government.  Not to mention the 16 Mayors who run larger cities in population than that of the entire state of Alaska.

    I guess the fact that her son is in the military gives her all the credential on foreign policy that she needs.

    And we have yet to see the outcome of the investigation into her alleged removal of a state official for not firing her former brother-in-law.

    John McCain said his number one consideration for choosing a running mate, would be they had to be ready to assume the office of president on a moments notice.  In his judgment, a woman with no experience in national politics is the best choice.  

    Was he having a senior moment, or is he just gone over the bend?

  17. Because she is intelligent and well educated.  She's a passionate journalist and is just calling it as she sees it.

  18. The questioner is lacking perspective and the question is starting with a from a false conclusion.

    Oh and Campbell is one of the Conservatives at CNN, so maybe she's personally insulted.

  19. Because she is a terrible VP choice, and he traded his best argument (experience) to get her. She is his hail mary pass to get back into the race. He has lost any chance he had at getting my support this is nothing more than pandering at the high to think she is a better choice than Romney, Pawlinty, Or even Kaye Bailey Hutchins is insane. He is totally senile.

  20. I'm sure you must know that the attack has just begun. I just pray that Palin is strong enough. I also believe that much bad publicity has already come out about her and the facts will come out when she speaks because quite frankly she speaks better than Obama.  

  21. She is biased like most CNN reporters.

  22. Maybe she knows Sarah Pale-in-comparison and was telling the truth.

  23. Obama suckkkksssss

    idk why he is hating on her she has 5 kids and a newborn. she was told the newborn was going to have down syndrome and she still kept it even tho they told her to abort it

  24. Unlike others I cannot speak on her own personal ambitions but she did bring up some interesting points.  Palin is a cute true.  Experience not so much, regardless of the issue that she is governer.  Foreign affairs is abismal.  And for lack of a better phrase, she was kind of picked to offset the women voters angry about losing Hilary.  And this action regardless if people want to deny it or not is really an unclear and rude move.  I think it is improper for any candidate to pick their running mate based around any of those reasons at all; just for votes.  Whether it proves to be effective for them remains to be seen but recognize that people are not as dumb as others think.  This woman will be tested especially in the debate against Biden, which no matter what party you are from you got to admit that Biden with all of his years of experience and great moral story, is going to be hard.  Anyway, this should be interesting.  Politics is fun again.

  25. CNN is in major damage control mode after McCain's announcement of Sarah Palin.  I do not think they even try to hide their bias at this point.  

  26. its HER opinion just like u have urs... people have been hating on Barack Obama for months.. all's fair in love and politics!

  27. Well for one Mccain insulted her and every woman by picking her she has no knowledge of our gov.And for what she said,That Palin has more exp. than Obama.

  28.    Campbell Brown  is one  Dem,  who,s  scared  to death  McCain

      made a great  choice  and is  jealous  and  know,s  they

      could  win in Nov.

  29. Because Sarah Palin is more attractive and attracting more votes than CNN or Obama.

  30. I'm betting biased  Obama has less experience than Palin  Besides Obama`s camp is running scared too.  

  31. I can respect her right to have her own opinion, but I watched her earlier this evening.  She wouldn't even give those of differing opinions a chance to talk or answer.  That annoyed me.  If they want to present differing viewpoints, then she needs to zip it long enough to let others speak.  She was out of line, in my opinion.  If she wants her views to be respected, then she needs to respect the views of others.  

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