
Why is California getting more humid each year for the last 20 years?

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I know why and this question is posed to provide discussion on real science and to find a modern source that documents why with current data. My information date from 1958 and I did not believe it when I was told this was going to happen in the future until it started happening.




  1. I'm guessing it's a natural occurrence (though I'm sure someone will try to blame man's land usage).  The added moisture has to come from somewhere.  Here in the South, our humidity comes from the Gulf of Mexico.  I figure some change has taken place off the coast of California, resulting in an increase of tropical moisture being drawn into the state.

  2. It's definitely not because of man-made global warming because the air is cleaner than it was in the 50's when they were still using leaded fuels and didn't have as strict pollution standards.

  3. Ok if you know the answer and I know where your going, explain to me why in Wisconsin, it was colder longer and we had more snow then we've had in 50 years!  Darn Global WARMING(VERY sarcastic)

  4. If it keeps up, tree lines will advance to higher altitudes in the Sierra Nevadas......

    When the tree line are more than 300 feet higher than today, you be sure to get back to us, but not until then, because only then will California be in uncharted territory.

  5. Best paper I know of on the subject:

    If you can't open the link:

    Journal of Climate, Volume 12, Issue 3 (March 1999)

    Dian J. Gaffen and Rebecca J. Ross

    Climatology and Trends of U.S. Surface Humidity and Temperature

    Bob:  He wanted information specific to California.  The more recent studies I know of are global, limited to other regions, or involve modeling.  This is the best, most recent, data-based, study for the continental U.S. I know of.  If he had wanted global, I would have gone global.  :-)


    haha. idk.

    but i noticed that too.

    its wayyy more humid than it used to be.

  7. It's probably because of Global Warming and the Wild Fires that happen there.

  8. These are newer studies than the one gcnp58 cites:

  9. Because most of the residents are all wet.


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