
Why is Canada not know for its beaches and only the mountains?

by Guest44534  |  earlier

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I found this website showing some beautiful beaches in Canada which I hardly hear about. Why is that?

Why does your country's tourism only focus on the rockies and mountains and niagara falls.

But this could be just my impression, or is this the impression that most people have.

Anyway this is the website I was talking about:




  1. cause the water is freezing in there

  2. I don't know Canada that well, but I would think its because that's where most of the population and tourism around the larger cities. I don't know any well known city in Canada that is along a beach. Its sorta like how many people don't know that California actually gets snow....they always place California with beaches since LA, San Diego, and San Francisco are along the coast.

  3. because it's beaches are too cold

  4. Beaches in Canada are normally very cold. I live on the Alantic side, and if you ever jump into the river by where we live-- it's very cold!!! However, we still do it. New River Beach (it experiences high tides) is quite a popular beach-- like you said very beautiful--, but bloody cold.

    My answer to your question would simply be-- Canada isn't known for beaches because A) Tourists don't want to freeze resulting in hypothermia while on vacation (However in Nova Scotia-- many tourists come to surf in our cold coastal altlantic waters) B) The rockies and niagara are simply well known tourists areas.

    Good question !

  5. hm, maybe people are more attracted to places that looks more exotic, with palm trees.

  6. too cold to swim; too far north to tan...

  7. Canada lies in the polar region and frozen water bodies no longer remain a is there4 known for its snow top mountains

  8. Doesn't it snow in Canada and the temperatures near 0 over half the time? Who would want to go to the beach in a parka.

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