
Why is China making it so difficult for foreigners to get a visa to come to China?

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I dont understand it at all... One would assume a 'developing' country like China would welcome the tourists as an economy boost!

Is it because that are afriad of letting terrorists in?

Or "dirty back packers"?

Or over crowding an already over crowded country?

What is it???????




  1. because Chinese should ensure the security issue when they host a Olmpic Games,goverment and people there are more nervous than usual,they can't allow any tiny danger exsit,so maybe u should be understanding about this

    know more issues about

  2. I don't know the answer to this, but I have a guess.

    China is not a country that permits the freedoms and liberties and civil disobedience that we know in the western world. Nevertheless, it's the responsibility of the VISITOR to obey the laws and customs of China, like it or not. They are the ONLY laws and customs available there (without diplomatic intercession).

    "When in Rome, do as the Romans do," is the expression often applied in such cases as this. So if it's against the law in China to sleep outdoors, then visitors should not expect any exceptions to that law for their benefit.

  3. It's because of the olympics.  And sorry to burst your bubble, but even with the restrictions, China still has PLENTY of tourists.  It's not that hard to get a visa.  I got one 3 weeks ago (dropped it off in the morning, got it the next afternoon).  Just make sure you have the requirements, a roundtrip ticket, hotel reservations, and the other basic requirements.) But it was EXPENSIVE, over $150 usd for me (American passport).  Why did the US have to increase the visa price for Chinese citizens, that's why China increased visa prices for US citizens.

  4. Wait at least 2 month or next year. It will be relaxed.

    I just went there in June 28th. Shanghai. with my American passport. Buy your ticket first and then apply for your visa.

  5. During the Olympics it is harder to get a visa because of increased security.

    But after the Olympics it should be easier to get a visa, just like any other country that doesn't have visa-waiver programs.

  6. Yea it's because the Olympics 2008 which will be happening next week. It's usually pretty easy to get in to China. Chinese government welcomes tourists all over the world.

    oh, about the terrorists... it actually happened recently in China. So I'm sure the Chinese government is doing everything to ensure everyone's safety when the game is going on.

    So just be patient, if you're still waiting for your visa.

  7. Cause in the Olympic time, the government need to make share the China is safe. so....

  8. Threat because you can bring to China news that may make the people revolt

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