
Why is China the USA’s main exporter and importer?

by Guest33638  |  earlier

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China is America's main importing and exporting country; most of the goods are imported from china. How come we don't get as much imported goods from other countries? How come the US doesn’t make much of its own goods?




  1. China has an over-abundance of workers and no minimum wage laws or child labor laws.  Basically, it's cheaper to buy everything from China than to produce it in the US.

  2. because Bill Clinton gave them MFN while Monika was giving him head.

  3. We used to make most of our own goods, but it got too expensive to make them here, compared to having them made overseas.  Labor costs are still MUCH cheaper in Asia than they are here - enough to make it worthwhile shipping stuff half-way around the world.

    China is the main buyer of US goods, because they have a huge country and population, and are trying to modernize their country.  Hence they buy stuff from us that they can't make there yet.

  4. two words, cheap labor.

    u can probably find goods that are american made, but they cost like 10 times more than chinese made.

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