
Why is Christian Sarah Palin exploiting her baby boy for political gain?

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isn't that a little too unethical for a pretty ethical Christian woman that claims the higher moral ground?




  1. Well, she supposedly got on an 8 hour flight when she was already in labor instead of going to a local hospital and returned to work 3 days after giving birth, so I can't say I'm shocked.

    I volunteered to assist in caring for an infant with Down's Syndrome. These babies need a lot of extra care.  

  2. .Your question does not make sense to me? How is she exploiting her baby boy?

    There were many children at the convention not just hers.

    That child seems to me to be getting great care. What should she do with him, lock him up at home, like they did years ago when someone did not fit into main stream? I though we overcame that ideology years and years ago.

    Or, are you suggesting that because she is a woman she should be at home, maybe pregnant and barefooted?

  3. Well if she doesn't exploit him then she would never see him.  She's never home.  She went back to work only a few days after delivering him.  Very sad.

  4. I believe you may be grasping for straws.

    I listened to her speech and didn't get that impression at all.  

  5. Because that is what they do.  

  6. How come things are the way they are when the Dems have been

    running things now for two years?

    Why does Congress have the oder of wet dog?

    Mrs Palin is a breath of fresh air.


  7. I can't get over how she had no problem exposing a young infant to all the noise at the RNC. Only an idiot would do that to a baby.

  8. because she is a two faced *&^%, like all politicians.

  9. So, let's see here.

    Women in this country have equal opportunity and are particularly admired when they seek and hold positions of leadership ...

    ... unless they have families, and are pro-life Christians.  Then they're exploiting their children for political gain, hypocritical if their daughters get pregnant out of wedlock, and unlike ANY male politician their parenting decisions are put under a microscope with the implication that maybe if they wanted to have "that many children", or had a special-needs child, they should have stuck with the PTA.

    If it was Todd Palin instead of Sarah on the ticket, none of this would even come up.  The hypocrisy is huge, all right, and it's not on Palin's part.

    I came of age during the feminist movement.  And not so long ago, women were being told they could "have it all", meaning family and career.  Now that we actually have one on the national stage who's been nominated to the second-highest office in the country (for the first time in 24 years!), it hardly seems credible to backpedal just because she's not the "ideal" that the leftists who took over feminism had in mind.

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