
Why is Colombia not listed under the latin american travel section?

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I am from the US and have lived down here since 2001. The country is the safest it has ever been and the people are very friendly. I love it here.




  1. Most Americans have no idea about Colombia or what goes on here, except what they see in a few movies. I like to think I'm fairly well-informed, but until I started preparing to move here (to Bogota) for my job about three years ago, I knew very little.

    The US Embassy (and most other western Embassies) still do not encourage open travel here. Not so much for the perceived danger as for the isolation of the countryside outside of the major cities, the lack of infrastructure in certain areas and the remaining danger in remote jungle areas still until FARC control.

    I believe the Embassy overprotects its employees, not even allowing us to drive from Bogota to Melgar, Villa de Leyva or Villavicencio and requiring a travel notification just to drive to Tocancipa to play golf on weekends. We are required to utilize armored vehicles to even drive around within Bogota.

    I believe that once the FARC problem finally ends, this country will become a travel mecca exceeding what Costa Rica and Panama enjoy now. The country is so diverse and beautiful with so much to offer; mountains, beaches, golf courses, fishing, emeralds, coffee, flowers... and very friendly people.

  2. its under coffee travel section

  3. Probably due to the fact that kidnappings and assaults of US citizens is so rampant there, not to mention their imfamous export, cocaine.  I would not suggest visiting that country.

  4. There arent enough questions -according to Yahoo- to merit a Colombia section. I think they should. And for Mr. 47 above its pretty obvious that hes NEVER been to Colombia or probably out of his Moms basement. Under the leadership of Alvaro Uribe kidnappings have all but dissapeared in the major cities and along the major highways. They do still occure in some smaller jungle towns.. but it is getting less and less as Las Farc begins to wither.

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