
Why is Congress on Vacation?

by Guest33523  |  earlier

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Why is Congress on vacation when our country is in a national crisis.Everyone I talk to is pissed off and theres talk out there of linch mobs.Congress needs to take a permant vacation and never come back.Poor President Bush keeps trying to do something but these lazy bumbs are dragging there feet.On vacation with gas cards payed for by tax payers,they don't give a rats *** about America and are trying to make the President look bad




  1. The only problem I see with you question is Bush makes him self look bad.  As far as where they are, I say they are out wasting our tax dollars to enjoy life with or without their family.  The linch mob ideo sounds good.  Just don't go after one party.  Let get them all.  They all need to have their citizenship revoked.  They are all traitors to this country.

  2. ...h*ll when are they not on vacation..  work 2 hours doing nothing . take a month off .. if they got paid by what they got none ..they would be paying us money. the best motivator , you don't do anything you don't get paid .. there always saying they work for us ..then why can't we fire them????   Republican  , demarcate..both about the same to me ..con-artiest.. say a lot .. do very little . if you found a honest people in the white house .. they would be the one that got lost on the tour... i lost all faith in the system along time ago .. just set a listen .. they say a lot .. but  all it is a verbal dancing around questions.

  3. Congress is either on vacation or out to lunch. Biggest bunch of "do-nothings" on the planet.

  4. They oppose drilling onshore or offshore.  Their conviction on the environmental issue demands that they never work.  How about TERM  LIMITS?  Gingrich came within one vote in passing an amendment for referral to the states.  The vote that defeated it:  was one vote!  Needless to say all of the Democrats opposed the referral of the amendment.  I have had the same worthless congressman for 32 years and his major accomplishment has been to limit his son's punishment on a drug case.  Democrat with a smile on his face and party time on his mind!!

  5. Now now, we pay these "fellas" in our nations capitol hundreds of the thousands of dollars to make decisions that could and do shape the future of our country.  Do you expect these poor, under paid and overworked souls to actually work more than 100 days a year.  They have trips to Europe to plan, and snorkeling in the Bahamas to catch up on.  

    Everyone needs a break.......I say we start with their jaws so they'll shut the heck up.  Then things might actually start to get better.

  6. Tell me more about these linch mobs................sounds like a good place to start.

  7. Ah, but there is an answer. It is all in your hands. If you don't like Congress, throw the bums out. Check out the Kick Them All Out Project (KTAO Project)

  8. "Do nothing" is exactly what I want my congress to do. Whenever they do "something" they are in one manner or another, restricting my rights.

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