
Why is Costa Rica the best country in America?

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and why is it call the "Switzerland of America"...

well, I've been there twice and is a beutiful place, it's people, the economy is good compare to othe countries in Latin America, nice houses, maybe San Jose downtown sucks but everywhere else is pretty nice.... I even notice that most costaricans are white too... i mean i don't really care if they are or not but is pretty cool, im just wondering why is it call the switzerland of America




  1. IT'S the best country in Latin America only and that's a fact, im not going to argue about it, because it is but not in the continent of America, Canada and the United States are better of course...... However,  is a beautiful country, good schools, excellent education system. second in the entire world, Japan is number one in school systems.

    let's see what else, free healthcare is a GREAT THING!!! good clean hospitals.

    nature, nature, nature.... rivers, rainforests, beaches, volcanoes..... wonderful...

    but your salary is peanuts compare to the U.S or Canada.....

    I know that is way cheaper to live there compare to the US but  for a place like Costa Rica where tech companies are moving there like Intel, and all this call centers located in Costa Rica, don't you think that they should make just a little more money?   I don't know how they are able to afford all this beautiful houses and condos that look just like any house in the U.S maybe even better...

    I was there for 3 years teaching English that's why I know so much about Costa Rica.......

    but anyways, for anyone that is just tired of the system in the U.S or Canada and wants a more laid back life with a few similarities to the U.S in regards to Schools and neighborhoods.... I recommend Costa Rica 100%....

    only a big problem in San Jose Downtown pickpocketers**** everywhere in the city downtown... try to avoid Downtown San Jose and you are just fine, once again im serious, AVOID DOWNTOWN SAN JOSE AND YOU ARE SAFE**

  2. As a travel agent and history teacher I can tell you this.

    It's call the switzerland of the Americas because of several things, there are areas of costa Rica that look like switzerland where the farms are and the houses, Zarcero, San Carlos, Cartago ETC and also the economy is good compare to any other country in Latin America, Costa Rica is the best country in Latin America, overall..... but not in the entire continent of America.

    Canada is number one (standard of living)

    and then the USA but (standard of living)... but the US is fucked up in many ways, yes you can make more money in the U.S and have a better car but it's goverment and it's people is just fucked up, is very racist, you can feel the hate between whites and blacks and hate from whites to Hispanics and all that c**p....

    so in MANY WAYS just for the way of living, i WOULD PREFER COSTA RICA THAN THE US

  3. its not lol!!!!

  4. Well, as far as I know, it was first said to be "Switzerland of America" by the ex-president Jose Maria Figueres Ferrer, who abolished the army in the late 1940s-early 50´s. He named it so because of the promise of political neutrality and peace in the country.

    Also, in some of the mountain areas where coffee is mostly produced, there used to be many farm houses that looked similar to the typical Swiss Chalets.

    But really in political history, Costa Rica wasnt always neutral and peaceful. The abolishion of the army was a witty strategical move to stop the army from throwing the goverment parties out of power.

    And I´ve also heard people say that in the 80´s, the American troops would go by Costa Rica to fight in Nicaragua, and Costa Ricans just kinda looked away.

    Now more than ever, Costa Ricans are questioning if they really are "The Switzerland of America".

  5. Costa Rica Rocks!!! but not too many people really know that is such a good place to live....

    It's the best country in Latin America because they have no army, school system is better than any country in America. number 2 in the world, good life..... and what is amazing about it is that is next to one of the poorest areas like Nicaragua and in Central America but it doen't even have 1% of what other countries in Central America look like...

    so it is a WONDERFUL PLACE but the bad thing about it is that many countries in latin America already know about it so if they can't make it to the United States illegally of course then their other option is to go to Costa Rica and stay there Illegally, it's full of trashy Nicaraguans, Cubans, Dominicans, Colombians... all the trash that can't make it to the U.S.A  or Europe go to Costa Rica and try to commit crimes and work illegally........ including many Americans that fly to Costa Rica and overstay illegally.....

    so, IT was a wonderful place but all the stupid immigrants are destroying that beautiful country.....

  6. it isnt the best country in America!

  7. because of the scenery, and because it is an amazing place to visit /// have a retirement home



    here you go:Costa Rica remains one of the safest and most attractive country for foreign investment in Latin America.The Costa Rican government, its ministries and financial institutions maintain a decidedly pro-U.S. and continental stance in regard to financial security and tax laws.

    Doing Business in Costa Rica

    The stated aim is to entice primarily high-tech corporations to take advantage of Central America's most educated, computer literate and disciplined workforce, along with the modern production infrastructure the country is currently creating. The economy is being transformed from its longtime dependence on coffee, bananas and cattle raising to one centered on microprocessor production and high-tech telecommunications services.

    The Costa Rican-American Chamber of Commerce

    AmCham is an important resource for anyone interested in doing business in Costa Rica.

    This investment-friendly climate and government policy of making Costa Rica "the Silicon Valley of Latin America" has enticed commercial leaders such as Acer, Microsoft, GE, Abbot Laboratories, Continental Airways and Intel Corporation to make sizable investments here, both financially and physically, with major production and distribution facilities. Western Union has chosen Costa Rica to host its Latin American regional operations center. In 1998, for the first time ever, Costa Rica is poised to earn more from high technology exports than from coffee or bananas or even its lucrative, thriving tourism industry.

    The World Bank has given Costa Rica an excellent bill of overall political and economic health. At its annual conference in El Salvador this year, the bank lauded the country as possessing "one of the most stable and robust" democracies in Latin America. It went on to praise the Costa Rica's "healthy economic growth rate" and "some of the best social indicators" on the continent.

    Costa Rica is one of the most vocal supporters of continental free trade, and already has its own agreement with Mexico and other countries of the region. Costa Rica's numerous free trade zones and tax holiday opportunities are extremely enticing. They offer benefits such as exemption from import duties on raw materials, capital goods, parts and components; unrestricted profit repatriation; tax exemption on profits for eight years and a 50 percent exemption for the following four years.

    A study done recently for the Ministry of Foreign Trade (COMEX) projects that by the year 2005, Costa Rica's export earnings will amount to $15.7-billion, about four times the current figure. Intel will be leading the way; its exports, from the three manufacturing facilities the processing giant is building here, are expected to reach an annual $3.5-billion by the year 2001.

    High-tech companies will spur the export boom, while traditional exports, such as coffee and bananas, will fall in percentages of overall figures, but in terms of revenue, will continue to grow.

    Costa Rica is building a competitive advantage for itself and the many high-tech companies who have chosen or are pondering the option to operate here. It is a country at a turning point in integrating itself into the modern world economy. Those doing business here will have the inside track.

  9. it's the best in Latin America so far...

    I moved to Costa Rica from Texas, I took my wife and my three daughters and moved to Costa Rica. I worked for the U.S Goverment for 20 years and got tired of all that ****...

    Now, i can breath life and be happy with my family.....

    just stay away from San Jose.....

    compare Guanacaste, Costa Rica... similar to Maui or Kaui....

    I love it down here....

  10. well Education is my field so that's all I know...

    Costa Rica enjoys a very high literacy of over 96%. The country provides free and compulsory education; 92% of high school students successfully complete an English proficiency exam. With some of the best universities in all of Latin America, Costa Rica has a highly educated work force. Opportunities for higher education are numerous with both private and public institutions (approximately 70 private, 4 state).

    and of course is a beautiful country.....

  11. you need to travel to a lot of countries in America...... each country in America has its own part of the "Switzerland"

    you need to go to Costa Rica............ they only show you what is the beautiful part. I have been in Costa Rica several times and they have poor people and they have ugly things too.

    You are just judging from the outside but you need to look inside.

    Each country is beautiful in their own way.  Do you know that Costa Rica has a big number of homosexual men? and that is why ladies in Costa Rica are looking outside?

    See nothing is what it seems to be.

  12. No, it's not.  Sorry to burst your bubble.

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