
Why is Dale Jr never seen with a girl at the track. Is there something he is hiding. Why is he so nervous?

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Why is Dale Jr never seen with a girl at the track. Is there something he is hiding. Why is he so nervous?




  1. Maybe he just wants his private life to be private which is pretty hard for him if you know what I mean!!

  2. You have to have at least little "loser" in you to actually give a da*n about who a celebrity is dating or anything about their private life.  Can we talk about racing.....EVER?!

  3. Everyone one here is alone with a computer and an opinion. Dale Jr and other celebs face the public all alone and we are sitting here waiting to make up any B.S. the 2 working brain cells that are left in our brains can string together when they meet and converse. I used to go to many of the races with my older brother as business trips, and we saw many of the drivers including Jr.pretty well wild in the streets. If that was "g*y" there would be a standing room only line at every Sports Bar in town.

  4. Troll alert, troll alert!!! Proceed to Def-con level four! Removal of troll from Y/A.

  5. C'mon Tim...    Why are you worried about another man's s*x life?    That's a little suspicious right there!!

  6. maybe if he lived in his moms basement and had time to troll the internet all day, he could be a real ladies man like you.

  7. It is his private life.

  8. It wouldn't suprise me in the least if Dale Jr. came out of the

    closet and said he was g*y. But , I got an idea for all you to

    think about. Whether he is g*y or not,, what guy  or girl

    would want to seriously date Dale Jr. when you have a sister

    (Kelly Ellege) who is so bossy and tells Jr what to do all the

    time? Dale Jr. does everything she says. She is like an over bearing mother-in-law!!!

  9. nervous huh, lets see, Im about to go round a track 2 inches apart from a bunch of other cars going usually 180 MPH. isnt just that one little fact enough to cause a little nervousness?

  10. Yes....l believe he is hiding the fact that he is homosexual and feels that would hurt his image with fans and sponsors.He should just go ahead a get it over with and come out of the closet.

  11. Most woman can take about anything but cheating  and that's one good thing JR is good at.  Hence no woman

  12. He has a girl he dates on and off. Her name is Elizabeth something. He refuses to let her come to the track, can you imagine how much the press would be after the poor girl!

    Besides, about that picture everybody's talking about, how do we know it's not just a goofy pic somebody took? I have tons of pics like that with my friends. They'd probably been drinking beer all day long anyway.

  13. From the pic thats been on here of him and his boy toy, I'm guessing he don't swing that way. And he can't come out of the closet without losing half his fan base. What's a fairy to do?

  14. I'm not sure that I like what you are implying here. Don't you have to be a certain age to use this forum?

    I would be nervous to bring my wife to the track too if I constantly had to deal with the immaturity that runs rampant within the media.

    Now run along home. It's past your bedtime child.

  15. Publicity!!!!

    do you know how hard that would be on her. i bet he has dated and he does like someone. but right now he is focused on his career. why let a girl get in the way of that? he career is the most important thing to him. he is only 34, he doesnt need to settle down just yet. when he is ready he will. but why let the girl get mauled by the papparazii and publicity?

    HE IS NOT FUC*ING g*y.


  16. I watch NASCAR for the racing, if I was into all that other stuff I would be a "Desperate Housewife's" fan.................Do you really care about his personal life that much??

  17. yeah about 10 other girls 1 for each day of the week and 2 for fri and 2 for sat


    dude he dated a super model in 02

  18. i dont know but if that guy with the pick of jr with his legs on a guy posts that on here i swear hes g*y jr isent g*y he dosent want some golddiging *****

  19. LISTEN-- Its all about FAME & FORTUNE, nervous,no way , if he thought it was any of your business, he'd ask u!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Think about this.  Some of  his fans are just, well you know obsessive.  Can you imagine how she would be hounded, night and day.  I would say he has a girl but does not let anybody know about it.

  21. Wow, I thought Jeffie Poo was the only flaming racer. Wear that rainbow sticker proudly Junior! We still love your little g*y self!

  22. Because the one time he did bring a girl she was hounded by the media and he said that was detrimental to there relationship. So from then on he keeps his private life private. He's an introvert. He's a normal guy.

  23. Some people don't mix business with pleasure... I don't bring a girl friend to my work, do you?

  24. Why are you so worried about it? Your probably the same person who scrutinizes ever square inch of a persons body. You should post a picture of your girlfriend and ask people what they think of her. Be prepared for the stupid remarks of the superficial people.

  25. Two things he is doing.

    Keeping his private life private.


    Keeping the attention whor*s at bay.

    Can you imagine the number of lawsuits he would have for child support if this was the 80's??

    The man likes his privacy off the track.

  26. I think Dale Junior is hiding something As far as him not having a girl friend. The guy who says that he just doesn't want her to be seen because she would be so popular you are way off base.

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