
Why is Darwin's theory accepted by so many scientists?

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Why is Darwin's theory accepted by so many scientists?




  1. There is a good deal of evidence.  There are bacteria which evolve incredibly fast (develop an antibiotic and they mutate into super bacteria in the blink of an eye) which can be observed and compared.  Polypeptide chains evolve optimal spatial conformations.  Ancient descriptions of animals such as wild boars can be tracked and compared to their modern counterparts, such as domestic pigs.  Dog breeders use a speeded up form of evolution.  Also, the theory of natural selection has logic to it.  There is far less evidence on the intelligent design side of the argument-- the basic reasoning of ID is that we are infinitely complex creatures and could not have evolved randomly.  But we've certainly had plenty of time to evolve randomly.

  2. Because his theory has also founded a new theory that happen to be now completely proved: this theory is called tectonic plates movements. Which claim that the planet crust is divided into tectonic plates that moves around over million of years, thus changing the geography of the Earth over time. This has been first being put in evidence by Darwin having theorized that the old continents should have being interconnected a few million years ago, and if it was to be true we should find similar stones on the edge of each disconnected plates... Which have been done and verified over the years...

    Just this alone has given a lot of credibility to Darwin theory later in is life. But they were another scientist of the time that was going to publish the same theory as Darwin...

  3. Its a brave new world out there. Its a pity we have to carry you morons with us.

  4. correct your statement ,Darwin's theory was accepted by so many scientists .

    Now It is not so popular as in ancient times .

    It was nothing but a try to make people fool ,darwin did this afer his visit of far off land .It was his mind's creation that he drawned a false conclusion on hypothesis.

    There is no solid proof to prove this falsehood.

  5. Simply put, it was accepted by scientists because it was scientific. He performed quite rigorous analysis of data and came to conclusions that he could support. As well as leaving some questions for future study to confirm or refute his findings.

    It was not based on emotion or religion. It was based on the scientific method.

  6. The theory was brilliant and most who were not totally afraid of the truth embraced it.  Since then, a mountain of evidence has verified it.

  7. because they just want a simple solution

  8. Percentages please. If you go by what science says, you must play by the same rules. Gives us the empirical evidence of your statement, not just your "theory".

  9. I answered another evolution-type question a few days ago (in defence of creation) . I included evidence to the contrary  which I guess got a bit too close to home for one of the resident evolutionary geniuses on the board . He/she complained and my reply disappeared . I`m in the process of trying to get it re-instated .

    It seems that this is a typical response whenever evolutionists are faced with evidence to the contrary . They have no answer , so they do the next best thing ............... have your post deleted to shut you up .

    To all you followers of Darwin`s theories  ................. You agree with Darwin as regards evolution of life on Earth from the beginning to the present . Am I right ? You agree that "life" first appeared spontaneously because of the right combination of  conditions on Earth  that caused the "primordeal soup" to emerge and in it , life ?

    To PROVE you have no knowledge of Darwin OR his theories , please explain why Charles Darwin , in the forward in his book "The origin of the Species" , ADMITTED he  believed life could only have been created by ................ GOD !!!!

    He also said he could see no other way for life to have been created or to come into being........... 99% of evolutionists don`t even know what Darwin postulated in his theories , including the existence of God .

    Thought you knew it all ?

    I`m curious which "evolutionist" amongst you will find this a threat to your belief in evolution and complain about THIS post ????

  10. it makes sense and the facts were there. we didnt have anything else to believe. so that was the one and only thing to believe.

  11. Ignorance.

  12. It makes sense to many...don't forget, though, that many scientists also believe in creation, and are active in various houses of worship.

    My personal opinion:  Evolution exists, but it is all part of God's plan.

  13. Don't forget that today's evolutionary theory has moved well beyond what Darwin first posited. As to why its well accepted: its the best explanation of the data and its mechanisms are well understood.

  14. The evidence. It is no more complex than that.

  15. Because there is evidence to support it.  There is no evidence to support the other theories.   The logical choice would be the one with evidence.

  16. Modern evolution is not just "Darwin's theory."  Yes, he's important - he came up with the idea of natural selection.  But you'd think, from reading your question, that science hasn't advanced at all since 1859.

    The truth is that Darwin knew nothing about genes or DNA or chromosomes or inheritance or mutation or genetic drift.

    Evolution is not "Darwin's theory," per se.  The "modern synthesis" in the 40s and 50s revolutionized evolution.

    Why is it accepted?

    Every single shred of evidence, from fossils to DNA to geology to basic biology, points to evolution.  There IS no evidence countering it (besides religion, which is not science and therefore not evidence).

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