
Why is Darwins theory of natural selection somtimes described as "survival of the fittest"?

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  1. Those organisms that have genes that help them to survive are able to reproduce and therefore pass these genes on to the next generation. Organisms that have maladaptive genes die off and don't pass the harmful genes on to offspring.

    For example, people in the Middle East have naturally darker skin that people in Sweden because they are exposed to more intense sunlight. The pigment in their skin protects them from being burnt.

  2. Because Natural Selection is where the strongest and most fit to the environment of every species are the ones that stay alive and the ones that re weak and cannot adapt die. For example when sea turtles lie eggs on a beach during mating season in total between all sea turtles there will be over 500,000 turtles that will hatch but only 5,000 or so will make it to adulthood because either they will be picked off by seagulls trying to make it to the water or when they make it to the ocean they will be eaten by other fish and only the fastest and smartest ones will survive so eventually after many generations of turtles all of the weak genes will be eliminated and there will only be the refined perfect turtles left. So that is why it is known as "Survival Of The Fittest"

  3. The species most fit to survive, survives.

    Fittest in the sense that it's best equipped for the environment.  Species not fit, die.

  4. Because if you're not strong enough you won't make it.

    Survival of the fittest" is a phrase which is shorthand for a concept relating to competition for survival or predominance. Originally applied by Herbert Spencer in his Principles of Biology of 1864, Spencer drew parallels to his ideas of economics with Charles Darwin's theories of evolution by what Darwin termed natural selection.

    Although Darwin used the phrase "survival of the fittest" as a synonym for "natural selection",[1] modern biologists prefer the latter phrase.

    The phrase is a metaphor, not a scientific description;[citation needed] and it is not generally used by biologists, who almost unanimously prefer to use the phrase "natural selection" exclusively.

  5. Because Darwin beleived that only the strongest, healthiest, -fittest- animals will survive.

  6. because the evolution of the finches he studied changed depending on how everything went the previous year. So say that seeds were very large one year, the next eggs laid had bigger beaks so they could eat the larger seeds. So only the fittest and ready for what was coming could survive.

    Hope i helped! elise

  7. it's not really a meaningful concept

    the term "natural selection" seems to imply a "force" or law at work that chooses a particular creature to survive and reproduce as opposed to another which it chooses not to let survive and reproduce. no such force or law exists.

    "survival of the fittest" is just a way of describing this "process" -- those that survived have apparently done so because they were the most fit to survive. such a concept is tied to evolution which says that more complex lifeforms developed from simpler life forms through a series of random mutations. the natural selection comes into play in the argument by saying that those mutations which result in a change more favorable to survival are the ones that usually survive. a competent statistical analysis makes such arguments weak at best.

  8. It refers to the idea that those individuals within a species or those species within an ecosystem that develop the traits best adapted to survival (aka "selection") are most likely to survive, mate, pass on genes that include the adaptation via their offspring, and therefore contribute to the "selection" of those traits or that species to survive.

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