
Why is David Davis resignation classed as a stunt when the Govt declares that the Irish no vote doesnt count?

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Gordon Browns govt says that they will still go ahead with the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty irrespective of the fact that they and the other member nations decided at day 1 that they had to have a yes vote from every participating nation .




  1. Because this government believes that we are all stupid, and only Gordon Brown, has any ideas worth implementing.  We  were promised a referendum, they got into power on the back of that! Kids DNA on record, for juvenile pranks, or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Identity cards with our life details,in the hands of incompetent bureaucrats, who can loose top secret files on trains.  George Orwell was not too far out with 1984.

  2. This labour government and the two-faced liberal democrats are just evil - how dare they ignore what the voters have decided.  Good on the Irish, they spoke for all of us that didn't get a vote.  A private poll showed that 85% of UK residents would have voted NO if they had been given the chance.

  3. Because this government does not care who rules this Country just as long as they can draw their fat expenses etc.

    Clown brown has his eye on another fat EC job for when he is kicked out.

    I am of the opinion that we should line MPs up and just shoot one in ten to remind the others where their real duties lie

  4. I absolutely agree with David Davis's views but am not sure he's going the right way about it because I would have thought he would have been in a stronger position, as Shadow Home Secretary, to thump this message out.

    The unelected and sinister bureacrats in Brussels who wish to impose a totalitarian State upon the whole of Europe need to be exposed on a daily basis.

    The UK has fought for our freedom from European dictators for many years but never have we been in such peril due to the fact that we now have a Quisling Prime Minister, who is also unelected.  This man has not a democratic bone in his body and, boy, does it show!

    I hope that David Davis pulls no punches now and I hope he manages to wake people up to the dangers that we face.

  5. Gondo Brine and his deputy Harrit Harming are both on the skids.  Only two more years of h**l, then we get a General Election.

    Here in UK the Labour Party is gonna be shoved right out of the game into third place where it will stay forever.

    A lot of folk I know are now turning around and thinking seriously about voting Tory - we've already done that here in London - result, we've got Bo-Jo (Boris Johnson) for Mayor.

    Next step the Big One in cJune 2010.

    The Irish electorate have made their voice heard but no one it seems is taking it seriously except of course the common people of the EU.  The politicians think they can carry on, rub out a few words from the Lisbon Treaty and make it look a bit more Irish and that will somehow satisfy everyone.

    Well, it will not.  The rules are that if one member nation of the EU rejects the Lisbon Treaty, then it is just a bunch of dead paper for the trash can.

    My advice to voters everywhere, get rid of those politicans who deny you.  

    If you live here in UK you can go to this site below, find out who your MP and MEP is, if you don't know already.  You can also find MPs etc who support your viewpoint and get in touch with them etc.


  6. It's all very well huffing, and puffing about it , but if 85% or so wants out of the EU and the government will not listen, then it's about time we had a vote of 'NO CONFIDENCE' in this government and call for an election, and vote in a party that WILL listen to it's people, the people are the power, so us it.

  7. because the government thinks that we won't notice these contradictions.....bless, they think we're stupid. ahh well, they won't think that when we finally get fed up with them and this country resorts to anarchy....

  8. Because none of us has a brain, only Gordon can save us with his super duper Eurostate.

  9. Because they are trying to create a one world government, and they always dismiss public opinion and valid opposition.

    If you have a little spare time, do some research into the new world order


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