
Why is Dennis Kucinich a joke, but Sarah Palin is taken seriously?

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Why is Dennis Kucinich a joke, but Sarah Palin is taken seriously?




  1. Dennis who? You should stop sniffing your unwashed private areas.  

  2. It all depends on the Mentality of the people doing the "laughing..." -and the fact that the "joke" is on THEM !  :)  


  4. Sadly I live in Ohio and embarrassed by that idiot Dennis the Menace.  

    I have yet to figure out why he is voted in over and over again unless Cleveland needs to laugh more.

    You obviously don't know much about Dennis....or you wouldn't even ask that question!  He is an embarrassment not only for Ohio but for the United States.    Seriously...he was mayor of Cleveland and he ran it so badly they had to file bankruptcy for  the city of Cleveland.  How do you file that for a city?  But he did and then he was voted in office for a bigger job!  I don't get it.  

    He even advertised in the newspaper for a wife!  He dated people that wrote in.  I have no idea how he got his wife...but he actually dated through a dating service while he was in office in Washington!


  5. Because the press is owned by wealthy elitist Republicans and they see that a man with beliefs like Kucinich would be bad for them, but someone with Palin's views would help them to stay in power and get even richer.  The press is the servant of wealthy elitists, everything it does, everything it says is to make their wealthy masters even richer.  So they destroyed Kucinich and Dean and elevate incompetents like Palin that they can dominate and control and exploit.  Hopefully if McCain is elected the economy will plunge into a horrible depression and the press will be taken away from its present owners and they will all go to prison.  

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