
Why is Einstein being bombed on lately?

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E=mc2 is being attacked. His means and modes of operation are being battered, etc. To his dying day he was working on GUT.




  1. Im pretty sure its because his E=mc2 theory is ,.. after all these years, still just that. A THEORY.  

  2. I'd like to know about the nature of this attack.  I do know that on the Internet you can find a hundred websites supporting any crackpot, nonscientific idea you can imagine; so possibly that's what you're seeing.  I also know that relativity theory--like every scientific idea--is always open to question and open to revision.  It's also a fact that quantum theory and relativity don't mesh together very well--it's as if they describe two different universes--so it's a safe bet that both of them will need to undergo some modification to make them fit.  But this has been known for decades.  To the best of my knowledge there is no new serious doubt about relativity theory.

    By the way, E=mc² is not a theory.  It's one (of many) mathematical _results_ of relativity theory.  This particular result rests (like all of relativity) on the postulate that light in a vacuum travels at a constant speed; and also on the law of conservation of energy.  To cast serious doubt on E=mc², you would have to either show that light _doesn't_ travel at a constant speed in a vacuum (despite the many, many experiments that show otherwise); or that the law of conservation of energy is false.

  3. There have been internet crackpots claiming Einstein was wrong as long as there has been an internet. It's nothing new. Indeed, it is so common, making such comments about Einstein can earn you up to 40 points on the Crackpot Index (excerpts below). Incidentally, Dj Conquerer above has earned 10 points himself with his "just a theory" comment.

    10 points for each favorable comparison of yourself to Einstein, or claim that special or general relativity are fundamentally misguided (without good evidence).

    30 points for suggesting that Einstein, in his later years, was groping his way towards the ideas you now advocate.

    10 points for arguing that a current well-established theory is "only a theory", as if this were somehow a point against it.

  4. People who say 'just a theory' don't know what they're talking about.  Theories are top of the line, things don't get promoted above theory.  The theory of gravity is still, and always will be, 'just a theory'.

    I don't really know how to answer your question though because I haven't seen anyone talk bad about Einstein.

  5. I am wondering where you have seen E=mc^2 under attack.  I know that Einstein's concept of space time does not mesh with quantum mechanics but this has been ongoing for decades.

  6. I have seen a few questions regarding the totality of his special theory of relativity. They claim that it is incomplete and needs to be modified. Einstein himself changed his thinking on some of his theory as time went by, the most obvious being expansion of the universe. Nothing discounted or discredited the assumptions of his theory, however. He never completed his unifying theory but that is not a failure. It will take many more great minds to expand upon his theory just as he expanded on Newton's. His theory is sound and has served physics well. In the future we will see the shortcomings and continue to build. No one of any significance is discrediting him in any way. Lastly, Einstein himself always said that a thousand experiments could not prove his theory correct, a single experiment could prove it fallible.

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