
Why is Einstein the most popular scientist?

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What are his contibutions to Physics?

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  1. He had revolutionary theories that were proven in later experiments. Theory of relativity. Matter/ energy relationships.

    He left n**i Germany to much fanfare & taught at Princeton. Was vocal against war but instrumental in getting FDR to get work going on the A-bomb. And he was just a very personable character who lent himself to popular culture.

  2. why the question if popularity?

    All scientists contributing to our civilization are equally

    important.Einstein got popularity due to media

    of the then time,which was stronger than ever before.I don't dare to demean him,i just respect all the geniuses.

    He gave theory of relativity.

    He also explained nature of light  at 1905 using Quantum theory

    which was developed by Max plank.So he was awarded Noble Prize

    at 1921.

    For more visit Wikipedia.

  3. You're kidding, right?

  4. Einstein was not an inventor like Thomas Edison, he developed theories in physics. The first thing he came up with was the famous E=MC2 equation.  

  5. It was that crazy hair.  

  6. Special theory of relativity

    General theory of relativity

    Explanation of photoelectric effect

    to name a few.

  7. He is best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass-energy equivalence, E = mc2. Einstein received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect."

  8. Einstein one of popular scientist cause his teory of relativity and quantum at most law of universe, One of his teory was I like is time relativity about twin paradox.

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