
Why is England so bad?

by Guest58959  |  earlier

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This summer I went on a month long ambassadorship to six countries in Europe: Ireland, Wales, England, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. I just fell in love with London and pretty much everywhere I went, but I think out of all the places I've been, I'd like to live in London the most. I told my parents this and all my dad could say was once I moved there I'd miss America. What is so bad about England? I am not political or anything. I know that America is the best country because of the money and whatnot but the whole freedom thing, it seems that England is pretty free too compared to countries around the middle east and stuff. Its not like I'm bashing America or I'm going to blow up my own country or something, but I'm so sick of the materialism and the greed. It seems so much simpler in Europe. the only downside that I know is that gas prices are equivalent to ten dollars a gallon. So if you don't mind, can anyone that lives in England or knows what he or she is talking about tell me why England is SO bad? Keep in mind that I'm not political. thanks.




  1. I am a Canadian who has lived in the UK for 16 years. Although Canada is great too, the things I wanted to do (working in the heritage/archaeology sector)  were all in Europe. I have never  regretted it. I have travelled all over Europe to Africa--something I could never have afforded if I had stayed home.

      Believe me, you are just as 'free' here,whatever that means. the Queen doesn't say 'chop off their heads' or anything,lol.

    Your folks are just  probably worried about you being so far away, but flights are pretty reasonable nowadays and its a lot easier and cheaper to stay in touch via the net than in the old days.

  2. You said "I know that America is the best country because of the money and whatnot" - well if you think that "money and whatnot" makes a country greater than another, it is just not true - you may think USA is the greatest because that is where you are from but do you think other people think that too? Probably not. Maybe your dad thinks that too and therefore if you go to another country it cant POSSIBLY match up to yours - it certainly makes for a disappointing experience. Much better to be a bit more humble about it all and go with an open mind that a new country may be as gooda s yours! Different yes but not as good? No.

  3. I am a German living in the UK and I can tell you I would not live for all the money in the world in the US.

    Funny enough we do go for our annual holiday to the US though lol.

    Talking to the "locals" they are in their own little american world, have no clue what is going on in the world, the news reports are VERY biast over there and as for freedom? Well I do not think so at all.

    Freedon is not how much crack our how many guns you can buy on the streets.

  4. America is your home and London is a fair way away. Your parents are also over there so you'd miss them too.  

  5. Probably more that your dad will miss you instead of you missing America...

    England is really great despite being expensive, espetially if you want to live in London.

  6. I have one thing to say to people that dislike England dont come back !

  7. They probably said that you'd miss america because it is your home.  Also, European culture is very different (richer, simpler and better in my opinion) from that of North Americans.  As for freedom, I'm not sure what you mean...  Of course England is a free country, it's a democracy, like america (well constitutional monarchy not republic but democracy and free country nevertheless) and pretty much all of Europe.  and america is not as free as you think.  
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