
Why is England so much better than Australia?

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Why is England so much better than Australia?





  2. England better than Australia?

    One of the things I find the funniest when comparing the two countries is the language.

    We both speak 'English'. England invented/developed the language but can you understand them when they talk it now?

    Australians can be understood the world over but the poor old English now speak the 'Queen's English' so that it sounds like Pidgin English!

    They pronounce words like thought as 'fought' fact all their'th' words are pronouced with an 'f'.

    But overall, as well as not being able to match the Aussies in the sporting arena they fall well below us with their level of intelligence.

  3. No, your wrong f*g face, thats what you think. The important thing here is what we know!

    I could go rambling on 4 hours but even though you guys were to scared of your own people, you sent them to the most beautiful island on the planet with the best weather conditions which has turned out to be one of the hottest tourist destinations in the world.....well, you tell me where you went wrong. You cant beat a bunch of convicts at your own

    This is where England went wrong against Australia, you sent them here!

  4. Marco you tosser. Sheffield Wednesday 1867 hah! Melbourne Football Club est 1859 - 8 years earlier. They still don't claim to be the oldest, but they obviously beat any of your SOCCER teams.

  5. Because all the geezers live there, innit

    Seriously though, England is a toilet compared to Australia.

  6. 'Cos England invented football. That said, I'm sure we also came up with Cricket, Tennis & Rugby, all of which we suck at, so they same logic doesn't apply. hmmm

  7. bit racist isnt it? oh well what happened in the ashes? hmm.. just think about that for a little while...

  8. England better than Australia.

    You must be off your tree.

  9. I agree they whinge so much better than the Aussies.

  10. England has a city called Sheffield which has the oldest Football Club in the World, also it seems to be alot more popular here as games are being played everyday

  11. Notts county is the oldest league club in England !!

    England is better than Australia......... in what ??

  12. Because they found Australia  -  The only good thing they have done

    By the way Marco England may have invented cricket I dont no and could not care less about 1000 years ago, We smashed you in the Ashes, to a point where we all felt sorry for you's.  Anyway we still beat you make your stupid 100s of sports we beat u with just 1- Aussie Rules Footy. We actually have plenty of water, and if we wont run out...we can just take it frm u's ur all too scared to go in th sun coz u might get sunburnt

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