
Why is Faux news still badgering Obama after meeting with Murdoch and Ailes?

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Just before the New York Democratic primary, when I found myself undecided between Clinton and Obama, I said to Murdoch (a little flirtation, like a little gossip, softens him), “Rupert, I don’t know who to vote for—so I’m going to give you my vote. You choose.”

He paused, considered, nodded his head slowly: “Obama—he’ll sell more papers.”

Obama, on the other hand, was snubbing Murdoch. Every time he reached out (Murdoch executives tried to get the Kennedys to help smooth the way to an introduction), nothing. The Fox stain was on Murdoch.

It wasn’t until early in the summer that Obama relented and a secret courtesy meeting was arranged. The meeting began with Murdoch sitting down, knee to knee with Obama, at the Waldorf-Astoria. The younger man was deferential—and interested in his story. Obama pursued: What was Murdoch’s relationship with his father? How had he gotten from Adelaide to the top of the world?

Murdoch, for his part, had a simple thought to share with Obama. He had known possibly as many heads of state as anyone living today—had met every American president from Harry Truman on—and this is what he understood: nobody got much time to make an impression. Leadership was about what you did in the first six months.

Then, after he said his piece, Murdoch switched places and let his special guest, Roger Ailes, sit knee to knee with Obama.

Obama lit into Ailes. He said that he didn’t want to waste his time talking to Ailes if Fox was just going to continue to abuse him and his wife, that Fox had relentlessly portrayed him as suspicious, foreign, fearsome—just short of a terrorist.

Ailes, unruffled, said it might not have been this way if Obama had more willingly come on the air instead of so often giving Fox the back of his hand.

A tentative truce, which may or may not have vast historical significance, was at that moment agreed upon.




  1. Ah, Murdoch and Ailes, who'd have to move up a few rungs on the evolutionary ladder to qualify as bottom-feeders.  

    Obama could cure cancer while walking on water and Fox News would still have nothing good to say about him.  

    Mkimkilo, please go to your library and see if they a DVD called "Outfoxed."  It might open your eyes.  You are spouting the the usual tripe.  There is a huge difference between how the "liberal" media outlets report the news and how Fox does it.  Fox is blatantly conservative; they don't seem to recognize the difference between news reporting and editorializing.  All the "liberal" news media have to do to make someone like GW Bush look bad is quote him accurately and just keep the camera running.  If the truth makes someone look bad, Fox blames the truthtellers instead of the person about whom the truth is being told.

    I don't "hate" Fox News (how you right-wingers love to throw that word around, because it's all you understand).  I have no respect for it because it deserves none.

  2. Whos Faux News? That run by Osama Bin Biden?

  3. Did this happen before or after you got done doing lines?

  4. Why do you liberals hate Fox news? their the only ones that report with a non biased approach if you not happy leave and go to the liberal loving NBC or CNN....

  5. For the same reason the Liberal media is badgering Palin and her daughter.

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