
Why is Fox News not showing the McCain/Palin rally?? ?

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CNN and CNBC are. Fox news goes in and out and talks over Palin's spech and keeps going back to talking about the dem convention. What?




  1. They are probably trying to be more moderate, since many are critizing them for being conservative. :/

  2. CNN (Clinton News Network) isn't the most honest news media areound.  In fact the are only a little more honest than Reuters and Al Jazeera.  I've personally caught them in more lies than even Obama tells.

  3. Every news agency has to bid on what they cover and only so many allotments are given out.  It just so happens that CNN and NBC got those bids on this occasion.  Personally I'd never believe anything CNN says.  I've been in CNN in Atlanta and it's easy to see how one sided they are and it's not the republican side.  It's because of CNN and some other news stations that they got to be known as the LIEberal media.  They don't print the whole truth and they make up lies in order to sell more of their news.

    Personally I stopped watching all of them a long time ago and FOX is no different.  Did you know that Hillary owns a large amount of FOX news stock?  Yea, I thought it was pretty strange too.

  4. Why show it? She gave the exact same speech she gave yesterday.

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