
Why is Friday jeans day? how does that work?

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It must be a foreign thing coz we don't have it here in the UK (well not where I live anyway)




  1. Friday is not ALWAYS jeans day; I know of plenty of offices that don't allow jeans, ever.  A lot more places do now (In the US, anyway), maybe because there's a new generation more in charge, but it's not everywhere and may not even be in the majority.  Some places do have a casual day, but they don't allow the jeans, but it's still up to each company to decide.

  2. yes its a dress down day as its the weekend!

  3. What Crazeddo stated what happens in the US on a Friday, also applies to many offices in central Glasgow, Scotland too.  They do exactly the same.  Don't tell me we are the only place in the UK that do this?

  4. Well, it's an American thing - lots of companys started "casual fridays" back in the 80's to give people a little pick me up at the end of the week - kind of a social pat on the back.  But it started during a time of wearing suits and skirt suits so, it really was just wearing kakhis and a polo shirt, etc.  It didn't start with jeans.

    As the causal work culture has evolved, it went from dress casual, to jeans and tshirts to people even wearing sweats, etc.  Now Americans dress down for so many jobs that some places have started having "formal Fridays" where they wear their suits, etc that day instead of their jeans and t-shirts.  I once heard a fashion guy on TV call it the "slobification of America" how we don't dress nice anymore and how we wear sweats and pajamas to the store.  (yes, teenagers and college kids especially wear pajamas out in public. Sad isn't it?)

  5. course we have jeans day in the uk.I been getting involved for years.2 pounds are paid to genes research for the bonus of coming to work in jeans.

  6. It's often done because it makes the employees feel more comfortable on Friday, and it's not very often that you can schedule meetings with your external clients on a Friday, so it doesn't really matter that people look more casual.  

  7. In the US many businesses which expect their employees to dress in more formal business attire during the week allow more casual attire on Fridays.  It simply reflects the fact that often, Friday isn't as busy and its a prelude to the weekend.  Its considered almost an employee perk here.  There are rules about how casual you can be however and you have to wear nice, clean jeans without holes in them, etc.  You usually can't wear a t-shirt or open toe shoes or sandals.

  8. Never done it.  Friday was just another day. Poets day ( p**s off early tomorrow is Saturday)  was not recognised

  9. I live in Ohio.  Our library has a "Casual Friday" whereby staff can wear nice jeans (no holes, torn, etc.) on Fridays (Saturdays, too).  We contribute $1 to a charity fund which changes every month. It's optional.

    Last year our small library (staff of @ 30) contributed over $300 to various local charities.  

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