
Why is Georgia playing the innocent helpless victim?

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Georgia broke its treaty with russia, when it attacked FIRST. When Russia countered the attack, Georgia goes everywhere, playing innocent.

The American media often fails to address the issue of Georgia attacking first, and most americans have failed to look beyond what they are shown on faux news.

Why is it, that time and time again, americans are lied to and manipulated by the media? We know this.. and yet we still sit there and let them manipulate us.

There are enough independent news sources, as well as raw feeds from AP, that give us valid real news.

For a more in depth look at Georgia/ Russia issue, check out




  1. Thank you, people like you are working hard to get the truth out. People must turn their T.V's off, and find out themselves what's really going on. South Ossetians are the victims of Georgian massacre, and now Russia are victims of U.S. bullying and intimidation. Stop the U.S media propaganda machine it is enslaving your minds.

  2. Its ironic, the aggressor have now become the victim and no word of condolence have been mentioned for the 1500 innocent civilians killed. Is everyone oblivious of their deaths or too ashamed to admit because  they played a part in the massacre ? I would however on behalf of the people of this world extent their condolences to the families and friends of the innocent victims.

    Sources: Ex NR.  

  3. The Georian president miscalculated Russia.  The Georgian president thought that America will come immediately in the war.  This is the real.  A ruler should know all things in his finger tips.  no hasty decision should be taken. He should see the pros and cons.  That is leader. The Georgian president failed in this aspect.

  4. Never heard of your link to  Checked it out and their board of directors indicates their left leaning views.  That's why it seems like Georgia is playing the innocent helpless victim.  Those on the left think Russia is a mighty fine nation.

    If Georgia did fire the first shots why didn't the superpower, Russia, brush it aside, and take the beef to the UN.  Why did they invade Georgia with tanks and other armored vehicles and flex their muscle.  Russia did this same trick in Czechoslovakia in 1968.  Betch they don't leave Georgia, and push on to other small neighbors.

  5. "Georgia broke its treaty with russia"-- What treaty was that?

    "Why is it, that time and time again, americans are lied to and manipulated by the media?"---Agreed. The media is completely behind Obama so they are clearly not of right minds.

  6. US media is dead and obsolete. Media is simply a propaganda tool. It was a long time ago when people in US stopped thinking. It's not that they feed us c**p but we are dying to eat that c**p. A country which has Fox news - says it all!

    While Georgia playing the victim. It is simple, propaganda machine is behind them. US is there beside them crying wolf. They know it we know it!  

  7. Well, I am an American getting my information from standard, main-stream media sources, and I am well aware that Georgia actually attacked South Ossetia first, and as a result, Russia counterattacked.  However, I also know that it didn't just start at the point of Georgia attacking - there is a lot more that led up to it.  I think what is missing is the ability of many to critically analyze what is going on.

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