
Why is Global Warming so serious?

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Why is Global warming so serious?




  1. it is not as simple as that

    global warming is only part of the equation  that threatens us

    Global warming is but a component, in a group of destructive forces at work such as ;deforestation,desertification,soil and water contamination ,irresponsible or wasteful utilization of bio resources , air pollution,Non sustainable Agriculture,over pumping carbon aquifers

    all concepts which are definitely not part of the Natural Processes of the Natural world;...


    The most prolific growth on this planet is part of the day in the mist and most of the time under clouds ,and the least growth is always directly in the sun .

    To exchange the one for the other means changing local climates

    We are exchanging Nature with Tar , concrete and open spaced mono cultures.

    In 300 years half of the planets forests have gone ,and in the last 50 years half of the wet lands ,and rain forests

    These Areas absorb heat during the day and release heat at night ,

    Cause cloud formation(shade).humidifying the air on the surface as well as releasing excess water at the roots that keep rivers flowing ,which in turn brings more water into the Environment .

    As well as contributing to absorbing carbon emissions as do the leaves of the trees together with the oceans .

    All in all many factors which directly affect the local Environment .

    The loss of the above resulting in rivers drying up ,less rain ,desertification,loss of habitat for many species and so on.

    dryer and hotter surface environments which can manifest in different weather patterns such as tornadoes or bush fires

    I may be stupid or Naive but somehow i believe that lots of these local environmental changes, can add up to affect global weather, If there are enough of them (and there are)

    And then on top of that comes the story of the effects of pollutants released into Nature and especially the Air ,by MAN

    A cocktail of events and a lot of the ingredients have MAN written all over them

    So it is safe to assume that we should look at ourselves ,just a teeny bit ,for possible improvements ,and rectifying Eco errors that are with in our powers.

    What is a safer bet

    to be or not to be;...;...

  2. It is not serious, you are being lied to by a consensus that is believing in nothing but an educated guess of what future climate has in store for us. Just last year in January we were told that 2007 would be the hottest year of all time. Then they back peddled and said that global warming would really kick in with a vengeance in 2012. Now were being told to prepare for ten years of cooling. How could anyone take any of these silly climate predictions serious, skeptics like myself have been trying to warn people for years that the world has already started a cooling phase that will be deadly for the third world.



  3. Because the Al Gore crowd is lining it's pockets with so called "carbon offset credits".  They create hysteria about a situation that does not actually exist, so they can get rich.  Obviously Mr. Gore is not concerned, as is evidenced by the amount of energy he personally consumes.  So-called "global warming" is serious because so many people were scammed into believing it.

  4. because its another way to get more tax payment money there gonna start charging you for it

  5. It's not like if we don't stop global warming now then tomorrow we'll all be dead. It takes years upon years... I guess after we're long and gone; however, if we don't take action now, then people will begin to take action when it's already too late.

    It's like me and my studying habits XP

  6. Man-Made GW is the hoax of this century.

    Lots of proof is avilable.

  7. Why is Global Warming so serious?

    Global Warming is a phenomenon that rarely happens.  The last incident we know of occurred 55 million years ago during what was called the PETM (Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum), so as you can see, it is rare and until recently, we knew very little, if anything about it.

    The warmer earth temperatures we see today, until now has been mostly, if not entirely, natural, and we have already been peaking.  And instead of a decline in temperature slowly heading back towards the next ice age, which has been the way it works for millions of years (we go in and out of an ice age about every 200,000 years), there are concerns because the world average temperatures instead only appear to be continually rising and it has been much worse at the poles, which is not good because the ice at our poles play a critical role in how our world climate works.

    So if the recent Global Warming theory is correct, any change which in any way contributes to the melting during this time (when it is already so warm), of world ice, could result in natural positive feedback loops (side-effect or chain reaction) which will further accelerate the warming.  

    There are theories that the increased green house gasses from man’s burning of fossil fuels and other anthropogenic activities may be the sort of thing which could be amplifying temperatures enough to put them beyond a point which the earth can naturally deal with.

    It is a little complicated, but the point is, it is serious because when this does really happen, the earth changes in such a way that is not ‘normal’.  When global warming events occur… oceans for example, rise and the ecology and geology of the planet goes through many a major transformations.

    That is why it is serious, it could change the entire world, not all which is desirable, but whether or not this is happening is still being extensively studied.

    All of us whether we believe it or not, know enough that we hope it isn’t happening to us today for good reason.   And if it is, we need to understand why and what, if anything, we can do to curb it enough (slow down the process and its affects) that we can adapt to whatever may come from it.

    I answered this question trying to stay on point, you only asked why global warming was serious, not whether or not it is actually happening and what the cause is, etc.  I hope I helped you to understand it a little better.

    Bottom line… If Global Warming is truly occurring, unfortunately, it likely could have a profound effect on all life on the planet as has been cased from evidence in the past.

    Every scientist currently studying global warming is taking it very serious.  But all of us hope it is just something which either is not truly occuring or will be something we can stop.  Worse case, we can deal with.  Whether we can or not is more widely disputed than whether global warming is even real, so again... this is all why it is so serious.  When it happens, and if it is happening now, it is very serious and until we can truly rule it out ...we must treat it as serious for the sake of the future of our planet its inhabitants.

  8. # Ocean circulation disrupted, disrupting and having unknown effects on world climate.

    # Higher sea level leading to flooding of low-lying lands and deaths and disease from flood and evacuation.

    # Deserts get drier leaving to increased desertification.

    # Changes to agricultural production that can lead to food shortages.

    # Water shortages in already water-scarce areas.

    # Starvation, malnutrition, and increased deaths due to food and crop shortages.

    # More extreme weather and an increased frequency of severe and catastrophic storms.

    # Increased disease in humans and animals.

    # Increased deaths from heat waves.

    # Extinction of additional species of animals and plants.

    # Loss of animal and plant habitats.

    # Increased emigration of those from poorer or low-lying countries to wealthier or higher countries seeking better (or non-deadly) conditions.

    # Additional use of energy resources for cooling needs.

    # Increased air pollution.

    # Increased allergy and asthma rates due to earlier blooming of plants.

    # Melt of permafrost leads to destruction of structures, landslides, and avalanches.

    # Permanent loss of glaciers and ice sheets.

    # Cultural or heritage sites destroyed faster due to increased extremes.

    # Increased acidity of rainfall.

    # Earlier drying of forests leading to increased forest fires in size and intensity.

    # Increased cost of insurance as insurers pay out more claims resulting from increasingly large disasters.

  9. Because politicians want to use it to tax you into submission.

  10. because  as the earth warms  so the ice  at the pools  will melt and the sea level rise considerable  also  there  will be far more deserts around the world more famine  etc.

  11. I am going to refer you to an expert.  Click the source below and read what Will Steiger has done to study and understand the cause and effects of Global Warming.  

    I hope a miracle finds you today.

  12. It's really not as serious as people are trying to make you believe it is. Let me try to explain, the more people fear something the more leverage governments have in enacting changes due to that fear. I'm not saying that some of these changes aren't needed. It's the heavy handed tactics being employeed that really p**s me off.

  13. I dunno, maybe the increase in skin cancer....

  14. Because it proves that special interests can purchase public opinion, even if the planet is at stake.

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