
Why is Global warming so 2 sided???

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If it is such an issue why doesn't the goverments mandate immediate action to stop it? Why just the little things like increase this tax or that tax? Or forcing citizens to buy a certain kind of light bulb even though it has mercury in it? Why keep letting companies dump waste? Why not limit breeding to one child per family? Can you fairly say one side is more right than the other without just getting so upset that you cannot think straight???




  1. if you look at the past earth temperatures

    its actually really really low compared to what it was

  2. I believe in everything you just said exept about the breeding. The kids will get spoiled- how bout 2-3 kids?

  3. 1 word


    If the government actually starts to spend money to help stop it, it has to bring out the cash. And that means that it has to update its policies on CO2 emissions and things of the sort. And especially since the country's in a recession, they're not going to force people to buy energy efficient light bulbs even though they make so much sense. Even if they had to, how would they enforce it? Have a secret police who inspects it? In America, they can't instate the one child law. Do you have any idea how many people would riot? Anyways, that's not a huge cause of concern here because our population in a developed country has pretty much evented out.

    So for all those reasons we're screwed.

    and btw, gravity is not a theory. it's a law b/c it can be proven mathematically. but evolution is a theory

  4. wow are you guys really this ignorant to whats going on?... ok yes first off the earth does naturally go through a global warming process but the problem is with us. We produce way to much greenhouse gases and its greatly effecting the ozone. I am not even going to get into it because seeing this question and reading these comments disgusts me.. you people are the kind of people that afraid of whats out there because you dont understand it. and also as much as i support the FACT that global warming is not a godamn theory gore is a r****d 2 sided get a grip and wake up.

  5. I agree with you :)

  6. cause it is bull$h!T

  7. The government is made of the people by the people and for the people.

    If they tried to curtail everyones freedoms and tell them all how to live all at once we would have massive protests and the politicians that made the decisions would be tossed out on their ears.

    This is a free country and you can take any measures to solve AGW theory problems as you see fit, But you have no right to tell everybody else how they must live in a free society.

    If you can convince individuals to see things your way, then fine, go for it. But when you start mandating rules of behavior you had better have sound proven scientific principles on your side and not just retoric or you will see a battle going on in this country that you couldn't begin to imagine. That my friend is a point I wouldn't want to see us meet.

  8. i think there is clearly a problem, some people just dont want to admit it because it would mean adjusting their lives in a way they dont want to, eg. travelling less

    if governments tried to enforce things there would be riots. imagine if america banned the huge cars that have ridiculous fuel consumption. people would go MAD

  9. There are only 2 sides.

    Global warming is occuring and affecting the earth's ecosystem(true)


    Let's deny everything

  10. Lets all march to the same beat and wear the same color uniform and yell out ,,,,long live the king Al Gore

  11. The fact of the matter is most people are lazy. Americans especially and I'm an American. People like their conveniences. It would be way too hard to bring a cloth bag or your kids backpack to the store, or a travel mug to 7-11 for cup of coffee. It is much easier to buzz in and buzz out. That's one of the biggest problems. People suck.  If they have to change their ways a little bit, OH MY GOD, its a conspiracy by the government to tell me what to do.

    People just don't want to change, because people are selfish and ignorant. Next time you go to the store, maybe walk there, if not for the environment, how about your health? Think the next time you get a cup of pop from Portillos or anywhere, think about the styrofoam cup its in?  

    Trying to force people to do things they don't want to won't work. People need to WANT to change. From where I sit, people are selfish and lazy, and are only concerned with the bottom line. Poeple only understand money.

    I miss a time when Americans were Americans, when people had pride and cared about things other than themselves. When men were men, and stood up to things they beleived in. Not now, when people's biggest question is "How is this going to effect me and my pocketbook?"

    The government wont do anything about it because their concern is money too. Maybe if enough people change their spending habits just a little bit, it would show gov. and business how powerful an idea and a belief can be.  Its upto us to change things.

    I am trying to do little things to help, but one person won't make a difference.

    There is an old saying, " Many hands makes the work go faster."

  12. The idea of freedom is limited government, however we the people have a responsibility to take action on our own.  My concern with Global warming it that it may in fact back fire and the aftermath could be counterproductive.  The dramatization of what could happen is not something I can grab hold of and fear has a motivator is short lived. No matter what you believe, you have to understand that mismanagement of anything will lead to demise.  The earth will go on, however that is no excuse to abuse the resources we are provided with.

  13. global warming is just a theory...

    a "theory" is an explanation for some phenomena that can be proved, but its not always widely accepted.  so theyre not always true.

    no side is right b/c it doesnt necessarily exist.

  14. It's not really.

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    EVERY major scientific organization says it's real and mostly caused by us.

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

  15. Well heres the thing...

    Even though the government and law officials put a stop to pot smoking, people still do it.  ILLEGALLY.  And to be quite honest, in my opinion, the government is just using global warming as another ploy to get money.  Yes, it may be occuring, but if it was that much of a threat, they would jump to immediate actions as you mentioned.  

    As wrong as it is though, where are the companies supposed to dump the wastes??  It is a major cause of loss of wildlife, but keeping it laying around is a threat to the human population also.  Even to come up with a new way to get rid of these wastes, you need someone to come up with an idea for a way, and even then engineers/constructors to put it together.

    And most families would not agree to limit child birth.  That is just insane.  

    In my opinion, I don't believe either side is fair.  The government just wants more money and to h**l with everything else.

  16. there are 2 reasons for the dichotomy.

    --  money.

    --  seriousness of the problem.

    Money.  the oil and coal industries stand to lose hundreds of billions - maybe more than a trillion - dollars if there is a serious effort to reduce CO2 emissions.  in addition, there will be costs associated with the conversion away from fossil fuels.

    Seriousness of the problem.  Darfur is thought to be the result of drought, brought on by lack of rain, caused by global warming.  There will be many more areas of the earth that will suffer the same fate.  While i really don't know, it's not impossible that part of the reason that China took over Tibet is because of water.

    i find it absolutely astounding how many people think that there is any question about the science, or that scientists just don't have a clue.  I'll grant that places like co2science, junkscience, oism, and many more, are working hard to confuse the issue,  just as the tobacco industry did 20-30-40 years ago.  in fact today, it's some of the same people distributing the mis-information.  (don't ya like that term?  mis-information.  lies.  if my mind wasn't already boggled, that'd sure push it in that direction.)

    add to that the fears that the energy industry is pushing:

    - gasoline is going to be $20 a gallon.

    - the gov't is going to take your SUV away.

    - limiting oil is going to make all industry move to China.

    - it's the liberals taking your rights away -- next it'll be your guns.

    which is not to say that there aren't stupid arguments on the other side:

    - the earth is going to burn up.

    - we're all gonna die.

    - we need to get rid of all the cars and walk, or bicycle.

    here's a couple of fairly straightforward postings.

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