
Why is God punishing the south east United States with hurricanes?

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Why is God punishing the south east United States with hurricanes?




  1. I'm near Galveston. Texas and I don't think God is punishing us. It's just a fact of nature. May God bless us all!!!!!!!!

  2. because i can!!!!

  3. I blame Canada.

  4. Someone ticked him off by not obeying His Word.  Honestly, I don't know, but it seems like they are being punished for something.

  5. Because he is naaaasty.

  6. Hurricanes are a prevailing weather occurrence there.

    People build where hurricanes come.

    It isn't God.

  7. God is in control of everything, but how do you know it is His punishment?  

    We should not try to judge God's motive for doing things.  

  8. He isn't.

    It's Mother Nature PMSing.

  9. Dr Q,

    I do not think that God is really concerned with the matters of "punishment," so much as he is with the common sense of His people.  If a person lives where bad weatherearthquakes or volcanoes are a natural and normal occurrence, then those people will 'suffer' the consequences.

    Pray for safety and health.

  10. Because John Hagee lives there.

  11. I think it has something to do with air currents and water temperatures. Stop blaming God for all the problems in the world, please.

  12. One would have to say either God is, or it's global warning. Since there were never any hurricanes up until 3 years ago

  13. It's because of they take pleasure in immorality and sin - the drinking, revelling in their drunkenness and immoral behavior.  Their stupid Mardi Gras is all about getting drunk and being perverse.  Besides, God has every right to punish whomever he chooses - He's God.   The story of Sodom and Gomorrah and Noah's flood are prime examples of God's punishment to those who choose the world and sin over Him and His law.   Those who are without God (non-believers) can't understand because they are without God's Holy Spirit, which gives spiritual knowledge and wisdom to those who have turned to Him to repent.  Those without God have no spiritual knowledge and wisdom to understand.

    Edit:  OOOHH - here come the thumbs down!  I guess they're from people who don't believe that God has the right to bring judgment and punishment upon those who enjoy immorality, huh?   In mans' eyes, people can never do anything bad enough to be punished for - the thumbs down proves that's what some people believe!   In this world, men and women exposing themselves, getting drunk, etc. isn't considered immoral - not surprising.

    Rom 1:18  For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

    Edit 2:  Frau:   I'm saved by God's grace and mercy - sorry, dear, but I won't be burning in h**l - and you sooooo misunderstand me!   I DON'T wish anyone to burn in h**l, but it's people like you that can't handle the truth about God executing wrath upon those who take pleasure in sin.  Christians like myself suffer from the remnants of sin.  Christians sin also, but we do NOT enjoy it nor are we a slave to sin. Those outside of Christ who are NOT saved enjoy sin - and that's why God punishes those who do.  According to you, if one doesn't enjoy sin such as getting drunk, being idol worshippers and exposing themselves in public as men and women do in the Mardi Gras, I guess I'm going to h**l, right?   So nice of you to wish that on me (sarcasm)!  I also like your double standard, helping people and showing such 'kindness' to others while wishing another human being to go to h**l - very nice double standard there (more sarcasm).  Oh yeah - I don't send ANYONE to h**l - that's God's job.  I don't know where you got the idea that 'I wish people to go to h**l' 'cause there's nothing in my post that says such a thing!   Too bad you go to such great lengths to misinterpret my post!!  I'm just telling the truth according to God's word - that's all!  If you can't handle it, that's tough!   Of course, the word 'heathen' in  your name just proves why you said such a pathetic and ignorant statement - a typical idiotic atheist statement!

  14. Probably because California allows g*y marriage.

  15. Dumbass.

  16. California is southwest (for the record) and he's not punishing them. God never gives us anything we can't handle. Its simply an active hurricane season, nothing new

  17. it's not goooooood, it's those freakin' butterflies in the middle of the south pacific somewhere!!!

  18. Everyone has known for ages that He hates the Mardi Gras.

    He was just looking for an excuse.

  19. exactly.

  20. It's clear that New Orleans keeps getting hit with natural disasters because of it's strict adherence to ungodly practices...

    Yes folks, God despises gumbo and will keep destroying the city until they take it out of their restaurants. He's not a great fan of jambalaya either.

  21. Because God enjoys torturing his most devoted worshipers, kind of like a wife-beater who especially likes to bash his loving wife. It's a sort of mental perversion.

  22. Because I smacked his heinie!

  23. how can you say God is punishing America , man . but anyway , Jesus Judgement isn't here yet .

    I can garrantee you, there are a whole lot of countries that will take what America has today , including new orleans and hurricanes gustav, any day.

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