
Why is God throwing me with so many TESTS?

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im a strong believer of god and religion, however all i seem to be getting are tests from him, yes i believe GOD creates test for us not us. i just dont understand why he would test me so much i really dont, he knows im suffering and yet this is all pilling on top. Why would god test someone and then it leads me thinking into commiting suicide? which suicide is a sin in my religion (hinduism) i really do not know what to do anymore, what does he want from me? why the so many tests?




  1. Hm, I wanted to kill myself at 16-17. It was because of religion as well.

    Just drop the myths, they don't work. If they ever did, someone would record it by now.

    [edit]:Well, frankly, even if someone came up with a miracle video, it would easily be fake. Just look at what films and games industry can do.

  2. Well it's obvious the invisible sky crapper thingie isn't doing it for you.

    Maybe you should investigate what life would be like without belief in 'gods'.

    You DO realise, don't you that the whole invisible-sky-critter scam is childish nonsense not too dissimilar to bogeymen under the bed; it was invented by crafty old men as a management tool to scare and or control peasants and small children?

    There are no invisible being swooping about in the sky doing haphazard mayhem to all and sundry for no reason, good or bad.


  3. first and foremost understand that God loves you, He created you for a specific purpose and knows your past and your path, understands all of your pain and suffering and desires the peace and prosperity for you. as to why i think God is testing you, i would like to share words that inspire and encourage my faith.

    Proverbs 29:1 He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.

    John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me[...]

    Amos 4:11 I have overthrown some of you, as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and ye were as a firebrand plucked out of the burning: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD. Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.

    2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

    Colossians 1:21 You who were once alienated with a hostile attitude, doing evil, he has now reconciled by the death of his physical body, so that he may present you holy, blameless, and without fault before him.

    generally speaking, these verses speak of God who grows His children through suffering... it is suffering that teaches us obedience -- the Spirit of God is always reproving us, wearing on our ways and exposing us to our sin and in our brokenness we are humbled before our God. but we can resist God's Spirit and that is why we suffer, God desires for you what you would desire for yourself if you were smart enough to want it. His strength is perfected in our weakness, the more humble you are, the more like Christ you are, the more suffering that you endure for the sake of your faith, the more like Christ you become, and God's desire for every human being to ever walk the earth is to be conformed to His image. He desires to make us holy like Himself, and that only happens by the blood of Jesus and our faith in Him. you suffer because you do not rely upon God, if you're obeying His will it would not matter that you suffered, your faith would be sound and strong enough to take on more. i hope for you friend, you have much to do on this side of death, don't forfeit what could have been yours for the glory of God, don't cut your life short, because your life like mine was purchased by royal blood on calvary's cross, therefor it isn't ours to control, we are in the hands of God.

  4. There is truly no issue in life that should make you want to end your life. Like you are saying you don't want to be rich, and that's almost all people have as a motivation for living, so your already one step ahead of everyone else.

    Don't harm yourself, for if you do, you will be worse off then you are now. Hurting yourself throws you in a place that is far worse than the pains your living in now. Thats promised.

    I recommend putting a hault on your life. What is causing so much pain? Remember you can always just leave the situation, drop it all and just leave if you have to.

    Dept is only a loss of security, not your life. You wont be jailed or sentenced because u owe money. Physical pain is a passing occurrence, it takes courage and strength to pass all obstacles, and for good reason. Whats causing such pain that you can't escape?

    Remember that their is both good and evil in this world, you are being targeted because the end of time is near, all good people are being tested my friend, you are not alone.

    What kind of life are you living? Maybe these are signs that you need to begin to repent, and change your life and live directly for the love of God. re gain order in your life. Love your life, love your soul, tough it out and achieve a glistening crown in heaven. Solidify your trust in God, the fact that your wavering means that you don't trust in Gods goodness, you must trust his goodness for him to help you.

    God bless you man, Don't give up you can't.

    Also know that Death is the Enemy of God, at this moment you are surrounded by devils, just aching to take your soul away, don't give it up to them. Hide in the Love of GOD shut your eyes, repent, cry it out! Call for the Lords Mercy I will pray for you tonight. Just be strong Have a living true faith. Don't doubt any longer!

    Live now and for forever, this pain is worth eternal glory, you got this far! We are like those in the desert...a little while longer and our journeis complete. You don't want to miss whats coming up.

    here are sites that WILL help you.

  5. I know nothing of Hinduism. As a Christian I rely on the Holy Bible to guide me when I struggle withquestionss you pose.  Revelations 4:11 tells us that we are here because that is what God wants. God punishes us as a Father punishes a child, to teach us.  Suicide is not the answer.  From what I hear, Death lasts a long time. Is there a counselor within your religion that you can discuss this with?

    I hope you find some answers.

  6. if there was a god , do you think he would have done this to you?

  7. The Christian faith teaches that God does not put upon us more than we can deal with. I believe it was Mother Theresa who said something like, "I just wish He didn't have such a high opinion of me." At any rate, killing yourself will not get the job done. Stick it out, finish the tests, and you will be a better person on the other side of them. They really aren't beyond your abilities, I think you already know.

  8. news flash: god doesnt exist!!!!!

    either realise it or keep on thinking he hates every cell in your body!!!

  9. Beware of falling into the trap of negativity. Life is a sequence of lunar phases. You’re just at a low point at this time and it will, can only get better. Chin up, be strong the world needs good guys like you. We all pass through periods of agonising when it seems the world and God are against us. Be composed, kind and forgiving to yourself. This time will soon be forgotten when it has passed by. Good luck bud.

  10. The biggest sin in our life is ignorants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    We can see good people will face problem in life and bad people get good things in life.But it doesnt mean you have to do bad to get good things in life. There is a law of energy in this world so we must learn it and utilise it. When u know how to attract positive electromagnetic energy towards u, all your problems and weakness will start to disapear from you. It is simple as that. So stop blaming on God and others. You email me if want to learn and solve ur problem

  11. 1)There is no God

    2)You can choose to be happy

  12. what type of tests.. maybe you react to normal in an exaggerated manner..

    maybe you can't handel stress or over sensitive..

  13. Must have big plans for you. Satan knows it.

  14. hey! everything you feel is normal but thinking about killing yourself is absolutely an insane idea. You just failed to look on the bright side. If you consider it is a test then you didn't study your lessons well (read/study again what is taught in your religion on how you should view your life and how you should face the challenges that would help you become a better person if you only bare in mind that you have to keep doing the right things that wouldn't only give benefits on you but as well to others) HAVE FAITH AND BELIEVE TO YOURSELF THAT YOU CAN SURVIVE NO MATTER WHAT!!!

  15. What do you mean by tests?

    I'm going to assume you mean tests of you faith.

    There's a simple answer to this.  The reason life is testing your faith is that there is NO GOOD REASON to think a god exists.  You are in fact playing make-believe in the face of reality which really points to the conclusion that there is in fact no god.

    If you manage to realise this things may start making sense.  Where before you had to wonder "why would God...?" once you realise the truth about religion such questions become irrelevant.  You are then free to see the world as it is and take responsibility for your own actions.

    The most important thing is to be honest.  Clinging to faith when everything tells you otherwise is not honest.

    Think about it.

  16. Firstly GOD is not responsible for your sufferings.It is you,your work

    responsible.If you are a true believer you would have accepted very calmly and quietly what you get,not complain against GOD.I suggest you to read holy GITA and to go to temple for meditation        

  17. Poppet, Please tell me why you're unhappiness is Gods fault?  At 19, you have the whole World at your finger tips.  Happiness is not served on a plate, It is something you either work on, or ignore.Unless you are having a bad time at Home I really can't see why you should be so down. Do you work,go to School or

    participate in anything in Life?

    Or do you just mope around waiting for something to drop in you're lap?

    Put you're Religion out of the equation for a sec, You are old enough now to stand on you're own two feet.

    Nothing is stopping you from putting in some voluntary work. You should be having fun with friends and Thanking you're lucky stars you breath so easily.

    Think of all that have very little or nothing.People that are starving, in the middle of a War, that they have no control over. Then think of all the things you could be planning  and do.

    Suicide is not the answer Sweetheart, you know it isn't.

    Nobody wants anything from you, other than to see you happy and living the Life you have been so lucky to be given.  If you Truly are so hopelessly down have a word with you're Doctor. Other wise Start Living you're Life and Enjoy it.

    We are A Long Time Dead.    

  18. Unless you either have HIV/AIDs, cancer, are physically or mentally disabled, are living in poverty or you are being constantly sexually, physical or mentally abused you have nothing to complain about.

    You can either build a bridge and get over it.

    Or you hide under your bridge and become a troll.

    Your choice.

  19. Stop thinking it is God that is testing you.  Take a step back and consider what you may or may not be doing to make the situation you are in.

    Many times, there is positive things we can do to change our lot. Best thing to realise, there is always some Jane/Joe worse off than you.

    Suicide is the cowards way out.

    You are young and your whole life is ahead of you - things change.  Been there - trust me.

  20. youre absolutely right it dosent make any sense.

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