
Why is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince release date being delayed til july 2009?

by Guest34135  |  earlier

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I'm a huge fan and I'm soooooooooooooo disappointed that its being delayed.




  1. because they want a summer blockbuster, the studio obviously has nothing else decent to release and needs the most money from Harry Potter so bring it out at a popular time with few other films to compete with and make more money!

  2. It's the money, the moola, the chedda, the dough, the lettuce, the swag, the filthy lucre, the $!

  3. Well, the producers are saying that it's ready so according to them it's not because they haven't finished it.

    My guess is that it doesn't want to compete with The Dark Knight. They are both from the same production company (Warner Bros) and maybe they want to dominate next year as well. Thus, they bring Harry Potter out next summer to be sure of lots of 2009 money.

  4. I'll tell you why


    they dont care about the people

    they just think more people would watch it in summer time

    plus they say it'll be better cos the viewer dont have to wait that long between half-blood prince and deadly hollows

    and others stupid reasons

    i wish they would stop changing dates and stuff

    its annoying

  5. Because they are so smelly.!!!! I don't know why but if you type it in to Wikipedia im sure it would tell you!

  6. I'm not really sure if of the reason why the movie is being delayed but did you know that it is going to be in 3-D it's because if you go to my link and read the message from Alan Horn at the bottom it might tell you why but when i really read it all it really said was hes sorry for the wait there will be a 18 month wait wen the movie harry potter  and the half blood prince and the movie harry potter and the deathly hollows. he also said that it'll be worth the wait

  7. It's so there won't be that much of a time gap between the 6th and 7th movie. I think they're just trying to get as much money out of it as they can before it ends. I love the movies though.

  8. I'm disappointed too.. so much..  I think it may have had something to do with the writers strike earlier on the year.. I'd say if you looked it up on the internet you would get answers..

  9. They wanted it to be released in the summer so it's a summer blockbuster. Plus summer release = Xmas DVD release. And then they'll be raking it in. Also, the Dark Knight it out, and it'll be overshadowed as the film of the year.

    It's very disappointing, it was the only thing to look forward to this Autumn/Winter. There was a petition, but it didn't get anywhere. I think we can all safely assume Warner Bros are arsewipes.  

  10. Unlike the other posts, which are mostly incorrect, they delayed the release for two reasons:

    First, and for most, there is another movie, which I can't remember the name, is being release on same weekend that was scheduled for the release of Harry Potter, by Warner Bros. and didn't want the two to compete against each other. Secondly, Warner Bros. wanted to get the most money they could get by releasing the movie in the summer. This way they could tie the rest of series together in a shorter time, btw they are planning two movies for the final installment to be release in the future.

  11. to guarantee the studio a major summer blockbuster in 2009

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