
Why is Hilary so upset about McCain's newest ad using her own words about Obama?

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I just heard an audio clip on the radio that said "I'm Hilary Clinton, and I did not approve that message."




  1. she let her ambitions and her mouth get ahead of her core values and common sense and now can't find anyway to wiggle out of it

    she not only screwed herself but also american people

  2. Hillary is always upset about something.

  3. Hiliary Clinton is far too wishy washy!  I used to be a proud supporter of Mrs. Clinton, and like most of her fans- well- I guess we're just not fans anymore.  She has a vast knowledge of words, but that can only take you so far and sometimes it can come back to haunt you if you don't live by it.  Sadly I found that she is not trying to better America, but she is trying to better her own career.  Steering from the democratic party initially in support of McCain McSame and now slapping him in his face for something she probably did say! Thanks Hiliary, this is exactly how we want the country to prototype women in politics!

  4. Hillary and Bill hate it when you show them disagreeing with themselves.  I don't know why they make this so easy.

  5. Poor Dims,

    They got the VP pick Biden, and Hillary who finished with more popular votes than Obammy  backing McCain over Hussein.

    And the got the last Dim elected, Sicko Willy complaining about liberal media bias.

    Poor poor Libs.

  6. It was probably taken out of  context.  Most blips like that are.  

  7. a foot in the mouth makes a lot of folks upset she will get over it.

  8. Hillary and Biden want us to forget every negative thing they said about Obama.

    What was true when they said it is not true any longer.

    Now, with Biden as VP nominee, McCain will have countless clips to run in which all the Libs attacked Obama. Biden said, pure and simple, Obama isn't qualified to be President.

    Their words will come back to haunt them and the Libs will scream about their words being misused and taken out of context.

    TOO LATE KIDS> That horsie is out of the barn and will stay out.

  9. It's going to spoil her big message at the DNC that's for sure. You have to give it to the Republican party for being on the ball for this one. The ad was put out 3 hours after the announcement of Biden!!

  10. Because that was then, this is now, is the attitude the former possible candidates have adopted in the interest of party unity. Biden had some very uncomplimentary remarks about Obama as well, but he was running against him for the nomination at the time. They will all say that was just a heated comment while contending against him for the nomination.

  11. He's taking her out of context....

    She's has a legitimate beef.

  12.   Whoever Mccain picks will have said the same about McCain especialy Mitt Romney who bashed Mccain over and over.  McCain can only win by slander and that is exactly what he is doing a cheap shot.  By the way when Hillary was running against Obama do you think she would have praised him.  Of course not so does Mcacin support Hillary and thinks she would be a better presidebnt than him.  

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