
Why is Hillary Clinton silent?

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is she hoping mc Cain wins, so she can run again in four years, against pit bull Palin?




  1. Hilary screwed up when she didn't stand up to her husband for cheating on her publicly. It shows she doesn't have a backbone. I don't think she will ever get nominated.  

  2. Yes, but she'll lose that election too. That either of the Clinton's support the Buffoon Obama is another of his myths.

    McCain/Palin '08

  3. Seething is far far quieter than the forced ebullience we suffered from her in the run up to the run down.

  4. It's like that John Wayne movie line:

    It's awfully quiet out here

    Yeah..too quiet

  5. She's not silent. She just made a statement to the press and is going out to campaign for Sen. Obama our next president.

  6. when is Hillary silent? that's the one thing she doesn't know how to be...i'm praying for the day she shuts her mouth.

  7. Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolitano, and Kathleen Sebelius will be on the campaign trail next week campaigning for Barack Obama. They will keep Sarah Palin from trying to glue the cracks Senator Clinton made to the glass ceiling.

  8. You are just uncomfortable not knowing how hard she is working.

    Her vocal cords are moving well with expelling no nonsense.

  9. Hillarys only hope for a shot at the Presidency is if Obama loses, she probably is rooting for McCain.

  10. there is nothing more she can say at this time about the campaigns.silence is still golden.

  11. What would those 18 million voter think if she trashed another women running for office after all the speeches she made about opening doors for women in a historic way...she would look like the biggest hypocrite in history...she is no fool ...obama is...obama is a man and has never got it and never will..he has to win his votes with women..Hillary cant order it ..and shouldn't.

    just announced...hillary will not touch palin..she will go after mccain...quote...going after palin is like checkers..going after mccain is like chess...palin is untouchable by hillary..obama will have to do his own dirty work

  12. She is silent because the democratic convention is over and she can now go back home and think for herself again.

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