
Why is Hillary Clinton so maligned.Why do people want to knock her down.?

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I seriously want Ms Clinton to be president and not that osarma upstart.I vote for Hillary not for osarma bin lardin.Why would anyone vote for osarma bin lardin.after he killed so many americans.Oh is it oh OBARMA BIN LARDIN.




  1. Hillary will be our president.

  2. Wasn't 8 years enough of the Clinton's. What was so great  that they did before that needs repeating. Don't say the economy either. He took away the military and did nothing to stop terrorists. They were more concerned in looking good then doing good for the country. Voting for Hillary is not a change, but is going backwards. Calling Obama Bin Lardin just shows your ignorance.

  3. Yes you are a Hillary supporter

  4. I have no idea, I hear she makes some darn fine cookies.

  5. White trash is just never very popular. Sad, but true.

  6. Clinton Sucks

  7. Wow, you are very ignorant and mal-informed. Making a correlation between Osama and Obama means that you have little time to consider anything besides race and similarites of their names. Spell his name correctly, Barack Obama.

    Don't be racist.

  8. Wow.

    You've raised stupidity to an art form


  9. Will you swear on the Bible and  all of your families grave for that belief? How many lives have been destroyed by the Clintons?

  10. Hillary Clinton has not been honest, nor has she been utterly dishonest, in her representations.  She's trying to play both sides of the fence in her politics because that is where the votes are.  She has done a lot of good things and some questionable things.  But here is the main aspect:

    Both of the Clintons are not part of The Establishment, and yet, they play the game with The Establishment.  William Clinton was the Republicommunist mafia cult's ticket to settling the score with the horrible Republican history that goes back to the 1840s.  And here is why.

    In more recent times, Republican genocide against innocent foreign civilians by our nation was committed by McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan (who started the Iran-Iraq war which killed over one-million and overthrew the semi-Democracy of Iran so that our CIA could establish a monarchy there), "old man" Bush (who was responsible for our nation being convicted of war crimes in Nicaragua by the World Court), and now Boy George Warcrimes Bush, who so far has been immune from any accountability going back to his one-year A.W.O.L. from the air national guard during the Viet Nam war, when he was arrested for cocaine possession and use.

    The Republicommunist mafia cult seized on the well-known fact that William Clinton was a playboy and alleged small-time drug user (marajuana).  Therefore, Clinton was considered a patsy like Lee Harvey Oswald in the Kennedy assassination, except that William and Hillary were and are smarter than all of the Republicommunists put together.

    Having failed in impeaching William Clinton over admittedly false pretenses (i.e. lies - and remember, impeachment is the official removal from office, Clinton only went through the trial that precedes impeachment though it is called "impeachement trial", and Clinton was found not-guilty just as the Congressional legal counsel told both houses of Congress would happen),... anyway, having failed in all of that, there is a vendetta and grudge by the Republican Establishment and grass-roots Republi-bots to go after Hillary this time around, including William Clinton at the same time.

    What it amounts to is genuine insanity and total dishonesty.  I am not a fan of Hillary or William Clinton, but they genuinely have been attacked by prejudice and outright hatred that is unfounded.  But then, just read about Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy's anti-communist witch hunts in the House UnAmerican Activities Committee and realize that is not an anomaly, it's par for the course!  This is all about trying to pin the tail of shame on the Democratic Party for The Establishment, because Democrats are or were populists and The Establishment wants and actually is now destroying all of the liberal benefits our society has accumulated over the past two hundred years.  There is the clue: The Establishment.

    Now, there are those of us liberals who know Hillary has not stood up against the war, did nothing to prevent it even if she was lied to, because before we went into Iraq the second time the UN told us it was illegal to do so under international laws; although she has a pretty good record as a New York state senator, she has flip-flopped several times on issues that makes it obvious she is at least partially for sale to The Establishment.  But the main thing against the Clintons is that the two of them are smarter than all of the Republicommunists put together, and that is the chief cause of the animosity against the Clintons: they are just too capable of being "leaders".

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