
Why is Hussein Obammama so concerned that the truth about his 21 year relationship with terrorists is exposed?

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Do Not Blaspheme, Non-Believers

Instead of making a good-faith effort to explain his 21-year working and personal relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, Barack Obama has chosen another route in an attempt quell the building controversy; he's having his campaign incite his followers to shout down his critics.

Obama's campaign has previously threatened broadcasters who would carry an ad linking Obama to Ayers, and has also asked the Department of Justice to shut down the group that made the ad.

The intense campaign to silence dissenting voice has also included a recent campaign email asking Obama supporters to deluge Chicago-based broadcaster WGN with complaints to pressure the radio station to cancel an appearance by Stanley Kurtz, a writer with National Review who is researching the documents of the Chicago Annenburg Challenge.




  1. Your link is to a site obviously put up by bigots: confederate yankee? That right there makes your question not worth reading, since we already know your views and that you probably won't change them no matter how much evidence to the contrary you have thrown at you

  2. That he knows these relationships are not going to be looked at positively and his efforts to hide them exposes him as dishonest instead of naive or just plain stupid.

  3. Dude u need professional help..ur totally nuts( that's putting it mildly)

  4. I love the c**p that Republicans consider as a valid source of information...the confederate yankee?  

  5. Bill Ayers is my hero, and he didn't bomb people, he bombed vacant buildings. The only people EVER HARMED by the weathermen's bombs were other weathermen when bombs went off prematurely. The Bush Administration are terrorist on the other hand because they bomb people.


  7. My concern is his willingness to use his power to curtail the free speech rights of those that bring up facts about him he does not want exposed. Censorship and persecution of critics for personal and political gain smells of a fascist bent we cannot afford in the White House  

  8. For the same reason that Bush doesn't want to expose HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH BIN LADEN'S FAMILY.

  9. You may have something there. Why don't you see if the National Enquirer is hiring?

  10. Because IF the truth was brought out...............ahem MEDIA????.................there would be a giant backlash against his hype and change and hope nonsense.  Isn't it strange that a lot of information that WAS on the net, is now gone?  Isn't is strange that many thesis of both Obama and his wife are now LOCKED for the public to examine.  This is a truthful, different type of Washington Politician???


    I would like to reiterate..............should this man be elected, you can be sure MORE FREEDOMS AND LIBERTIES of we the citizens will go by the wayside.  SHAME on Obama, he is already trying to SILENCE what we as legal Citizens HAVE A RIGHT TO.

  11. You know you shouldn't listen to crazy people.   Read your article carefully there is no sources listed to back up any allegations.  Don't you think Hillary with all her power and money would have dug up every bit of dirt there was.

  12.   To funny next you will be talking about unicorns running in your backyard saving us from terrorist.  

      Conservatives for Obama 08

  13. The first poster is a good indication of the mentality of the Obama supporter...ignorant and nasty.

    McCain 08.

  14. Because he knows that he will lose votes because of it.  It shows serious issues with his judgement.

    And you know, the Americans clinging to their guns and religion don't like terrorists much.  ;-)  

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