
Why is Ignorance a Bliss??? Are we better?

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off being taught dumb in the first place or just finding out it was wrong all along what we been taught.




  1. Ignorance and stupidity are two different things.  We are not better off being taught dumb.  You need a lot of understanding to have ignorance.  It is ignorance that promotes a better tomorrow, and peace.

    Ignoring another's race, and just accepting them.  Ignoring countries and borders.  Ignoring a afterlife and focusing on the now.  Ignoring homosexuals and just seeing everyone as people.

    But remember, there are two sides to every leaf.  You can ignore things for the good, or you can ignore things for the worse.

    Also, "What you don't know, wont hurt you."  The ignorance philosophy.

  2. It's only bliss in certain, controlled conditions, for example, take the Matrix, what a great plot for a story. Wouldn't you be better off not knowing that the world you live in, that the very air you breathe is artificial, and the world as you all knew it is also a digital city created to keep you docile and unknowing about the truth?

    And if you LEARNED how to breathe, there is always a chance of forgetting what you've learned.

    And in some cases, knowledge is power. Say you were sitting at your house, watching television, and outside your door was a mafia gang waiting to kill you. Wouldn't you prefer it if you knew they were outside? To prevent a serious case of death?

    It varies, is what I mean.

  3. Ignorance may be bliss for some (I prefer being educated). However...Ignorance is no defense.

  4. ...i enjoy living a life of leisure...i pay my bills, taxes and keep a tidy home and yard i own...enjoy my activities, hobbies and watching a movie...don't do things to hurt people and comfortable minding my own business...this is the true nature of ignorance is bliss...

    ...thanks for asking...

  5. i dont think ignorance is bliss,

    knowledge is power

  6. ignorance isn't necessarily a bliss. some say knowledge is power but that's not necessarily true either. i guess ignorance is a bliss because if u r aware of the terrible things happening around u, u can't live in true happiness but knowledge is power because u realise the things u can do to make the problems better however u might b worrying about it when u should be enjoying yourself. either one is bad yet good in its own way  

  7. Its intelligence of knowing the world is cruel and being ignorant to avoid the stresses and worries of the REAL world. But its the worst way you could deal with things as us even more intelligent people know.

  8. Well it is bliss, because it less responsibilty. More time for fun, and none for working, more for entertainment. Just think back when you were a kid, if you aren't one now.

  9. In some ways, I think it is good. In this, I mean the sciences. People like Freud for instance believed that his way was the right way, but now we know differently. If it would not have been for his work though, we would not have been focused on proving him wrong.

    On the other hand, our education system needs a complete over-haul. This even includes the sciences. To become more educated, we(the US specifically) need to make a high school diploma mean something. You can slack through high school, and get a decent GPA. The schooling in this country is amazingly unconsistent. You have people sueing the schools because of bad grades, and the PEOPLE winning these suits. School boards need to stand behind their teachers.

  10. Of course ignorance is bliss. That goes without saying. The problem is: How to become ignorant.

  11. If you do not know then it does not exist for you. If it does not exist then it does not affect you.As you know, to be affected would be painfull, so stay innocently ignorant and that would be a Bliss. Being ignorantly innocent would be a foolish and it pays off quite differently.

  12. Ignorance may prove to be a blessing in disguise sometimes, but the benefit is illusory and temporary..... ignorance is in fact a weakness and a risk in the ultimate analysis.

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