
Why is India's primary sector so backward?

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please give me a sensable reason




  1. in short, it is so because the money minded politicians (the representatives of the public itself) and other people involved are continually becoming more & more materialistic and do not seem to care for others and the problems until the issue starts taking a toll on themselves.

  2. from beginning of 2nd 5 year plan industrialization has been emphasised on by mahalonomis strategy this was an defferred consumption strategy where  the govt deliberately undervalued agro exports to overvalue industrial exports this is terms of trade tampering the failure of this strategy would lead to widescale fiscal deficits to be burdened by the entire economy.... till now the various international agreements entered is not beneficial to developing countries that depend so much on agriculture---- an outright liberalisation in such a sphere would not be beneficial to agriculturalist themselves.....

    besides op sided deelopment the following factors r held responsible for agricultural backwardness

    1. High population pressures over the soil which prevent efficient use of factors in agriculture

    2. Beurocratic failures which is chiefly caused by the apathy and insensitivity of beurocrats towards rural development issues leading to poor implementation of plans intended to develop the rural sector

    3. the green revolution have been limited in their effect

    4 poor seeds, no power for irrigation  and other 'infrastructural bottlenecks' like lack of proper finance insurance etc.

    5. Inadequate endowments and abysmal functioning of CACP and PDS wth a set of old and non sensitive policies to promote expansion

    6. inadequate emphasis on commercial crops lik power crops jatropha etc however commercialisation under big companies needs to be done carefully.....

    7. Special for Mining etc have been a failure in the nature of a political failure inefficient technology and lack of proper economic policies and administration has lead to perverse incentives which have been nurtured by politicians a culture that curbs expansion besides leading leading to various disasters various incentive and pricing policies could gradually deter such entrants but it needs to be started in the bebnifit of all redifining role of govt, police etc currently a lot of change i in the way in this regard.

    To sum up, we might say this sector depends on 2 main factors land or nature and human factor the welfare and long term interests of both needs to be kept in mind while dealing with the nations backbone!

  3. india 's population   is  tooooo much and above all...... all officers and minister eating cream. its very difficult  to take care of people without money but here is no one listen you some honest minister tryed well but when all  are criminal who will listen that who is on honesty. now v all indians have to do work on it do not blame any one becouse v are also not fulfiling our duties.

  4. It's just because India is in the third stage of demographic transition.It is yet not a developed country.It has to pass two more stages to acquire the position of a developed country.

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