
Why is Israel's alliance important to the United States?

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First off, this question is based explicitly on curiosity. I believe Israel is a great ally of the United States, I am just curious to hear some economical, religious, and national security benefits that Israel's alliance offers the United States.

Also, can someone explain to me why people tell me Israel is actually at fault when it comes to the Israel/Palestinian unrest? I am under the impression that the Palestine government basically supports terrorism against Israel; is this true?

Please enlighten me!





  1. Israel holds the largest concentrated jewish population in the world.  Being the smallest of the world's 3 major religions and paling in comparison to up and coming religions, Jews still control much of the world's media, politics, and economy.  And when it comes to the Israel/Palestinian unrest, both sides are to blame.  Palestine, with any lack of real military resources is forced to target Israeli civilians with suicide bombings and rocket attacks and Israeli retaliations are always ten times that.  Israel seems to have a choke hold on the West Bank and allow only a trickle of humanitarian aide in the country and hundreds of deaths occur through starvation.  However, on the other side Palestinians make no concessions for a state of Israel.  Palestine must halt its terrorist attacks even though in the short-run its people might see it as a sign of weakness.  The two sides must learn to co-exist, but it is tough when one of or more of your family members or friends was killed by an Israeli air strike or vice versa, by a rocket attack or suicide bombing,  I will promise you this, the bloodshed will continue until the last day.  And every man, woman, and child who played any role in demeaning any form of peace between the two sides will be held accountable by God.  Then they WILL see how small their petty little differences really were.

  2. 40% or the Jews live in US, 40% in Israel, 20% in the rest of the world.

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