
Why is Israel called the land of milk and honey?

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Does it have to do with your agriculture? If not, why? While you're at it, what are your primary agriculture products if not milk and/or honey?




  1. in heaven , a stream of milk and honey is supposedly passing through everyone's palace. it's a symbol of heavenly food .

  2. dupwardly_mobile_home,

    All I can tell you is that the milk (all dairy products) and honey in Israel are the most delicious I have ever tasted.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  3. Because of the milk and honey they stole from the Palestinians when they stole their country and kicked out and/or killed them all...=)

  4. They produce oranges, citrus etc in Palestine & Occupied Palestine. It was called "Land of milk and honey" in the holy Torah or some other Jewish books but that is not to be taken literally. It was just to glorify the land.

  5. Wasn't that Caana?

    Moses called it that, before the existance of the kindom of Israel.  It just means that it had a lot of good things; making it more attractive to travel to.

    The modern state of ersatz israel could not be refered to in these terms.  It is basically dying from within.

    Don't let the zionists on this site fool you.  Notice they always refer to themselves as Jews? Very deceptive and manipulative.

    The jews of the historical Israel were of course the Palestinian people.

  6. I don't know. But nothing like Kashmiri Honey and Danish Cheese. Cheers!

  7. Israel is referred to as the Land of Milk and Honey in the Bible 16 times, though the term is often thought to refer to the honey-like date fruit.

  8. its an idealistic term from the old testament in the bible - what moses and the  rest of the israelites were told before they left israel

  9. I asked Moses, no not the Prophet the other one. :) Here is the answer to your question:

    At the start of the first millennium:

    The land flowing with milk and honey. A producer of olives and exporter of olive oil to the entire civilized world. Vineyards, winepresses and tall towering palms trees dripping with the honey of date clusters. Orchards blooming with flowers that will soon become pomegranates and figs. Yearly pilgrimages of ancient Jews to Jerusalem, laden with baskets filled with the season’s first fruits to thank G-d for the bountiful supply. Such was typical in Israel during the Temple era, when Israel’s population comprised of between one and five million Jews happily residing in their homeland.

    1800 years later:

    There are only about 10,000 Jews in the entire land of Israel. Mark Twain, on his visit to the Holy Land in 1867, describes in his book - The Innocents Abroad1 – the site he witnessed there “... A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds... a silent mournful expanse.... a desolation.... we never saw a human being on the whole route.... hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”

    When Israel is occupied by Jews, its agriculture flourishes, and when they leave, it reverts back to scorched desert land, barren of life and growth, and with their return, its land sprouts once again

    Today, over five million Jews live in Israel, and its agriculture thrives, producing almost three million tons of fruit and vegetables every year. Israel’s forests now boast over 250 million trees. With the influx of Jews from throughout the Diaspora, Israel’s arid sand deserts have been transformed into luscious green pasture with rich soil, a stage for large-scale and high-tech agricultural developments....

  10. its the land of milk and honey, referring to all the milk and honey the Israeli settlers stole form the Arab inhabitants

  11. Israel is a temporary country , let us wait for the end of the milk land !

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