
Why is Israel keeping Ariel Sharon on life support almost 3 years after his coma. He's 80 years old and

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in a coma, a vegetative state. The Dr's have said that their is pretty much no chance of him regaining consciousness. I wouldn't want to live on life support. That is no quality of life. I say, take him off life support, what do you think? He's the former Prime Minister of Israel.




  1. wow, three years is a long time if he isn't getting better perhaps taking him off life support is the most humane thing to do

  2. His family has made decisions regarding his life.  Those decisions are personal and private.

    We may not agree with those decisions, but it is the family of Sharon and not ours and the general public should butt out!

  3. It's his family's right to make that decision in the event he left no specific directions, if you wish that decision made should it happen to you make sure its well known.

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