
Why is Israel releasing this - Samir Kuntar?

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Samir Kuntar, a Lebanese, was sentenced four life sentences for the deaths of Danny Haran, his two daughters and a policeman in Nahariya.

The group murdered police officer Eliahu Shahar after he stumbled upon the gang. The men then entered an apt. building at Rehov Jabotinski 61 and broke into the Haran family's apartment, taking them hostage.

Kuntar's gang took Danny and four-year-old Einat Haran hostage as police reinforcements arrived on the scene. Haran's wife, Smadar, hid with her two-year-old daughter Yael in a crawl space above the couple's bedroom. Smadar tried to muffle the girl's cries, and accidentally smothered her.

As officers arrived at the building, the terrorists pulled Danny and Einat out of the apartment building and down to the beach, where a shootout with police and soldiers ensued.

Kuntar shot Danny Haran at close-range and threw his body into the sea to make sure he died. HE THEN BASHED EINAT'S HEAD ON ROCKS AND WITH BUTT OF HIS RIFLE, KILLING HER INSTANTLY.




  1. Israel has a history of releasing similar monsters in exchange for Israeli prisoners.   It is a weakness that their enemies exploit, and was a choice to obtain closure for Israeli families about missing family members.  I am not saying it was the right choice.  Perhaps this evil baby-killer will be hunted down and killed now.  In Israel, where there is no death penalty, he was safe in prison, which was hardly a fit punishment.

    The more important question is why Palestinians celebrate him as a hero for shooting a father in front of his daughter then smashing a toddler's head in.  It makes one wonder what sort of twisted minds these people have to call this one of their "freedom fighters".  This being a tourism section, I would not recommend traveling to any country where this kind of man is considered a hero.

  2. israel has released this monster in hopes of getting back either the remains of the idf soldiers captured, or the idf soldiers alive. im betting its going to be the remains. along wih this monser israel is also releasing a number of other terrorists.

    this is another example of how israel is way more humane then the arabs-they value all human lifee and bodies

  3. i think they  are making a mistake. They aren't even sure if the soldiers they want back are alive

  4. This is precisely why Israel must identify with The Western Nations rather than with the barbaric and barbarous Middle East.

  5. Because of Israel's lack of political will. Because of Israel's lack of political leadership. Israelis outta be ashamed of whom they have elected, and how it is turning out.

    Arabs are just Arabs, there is no reason to demonize them. They will never change, they will never start loving the Jews, they cannot even love themselves. They are dancing on their roofs right now and are praising this murderer who just killed 4 Jews in Jerusalem today. They are also praising Kuntar as their hero. It is the Jews who must change, and eradicate the left-wing nuts among them, who allow THIS to happen. Jews must once and for all stop lying to themselves about who Arabs really are. They are the enemy, and must ALWAYS be treated as such.

    Shame on Israel for letting Kuntar out.

  6. Hezb Allah,is holding something against this corrupted government. This is why they let that criminal free.

  7. Because he is a freedom fighter for the world to see.

  8. a weakness,no denying it..

    you hurt our children ,you might as well tear our hearts to pieces with your bare hands.

    this is our only weakness.

    this horror of a monster and other criminals are being released so that 2 israeli soldiers eldad regev and ehud goldwasser can be returned home.

  9. I wish we Palestinians could only kill Israeli soldiers and not civilians. But it''s impossible.

    We are under occupation and as such everything we do is restricted and observed.

    A straight on attack on Israeli soldiers would be easy to identify and prevent. Besides, the attackers will have no way to escape.

    So the best way to attack Israelis is to hit them when least expected. With whatever we can get our hands on. At whomever happens to be around.

    Life as unpredictable and nerve wracking as living under a military occupation.

    We have no choice but to keep reminding Israelis that the ongoing 41 year old occupation is not acceptable. There are no reasons for it regardless of what the situation is.

    International law calls for an end to it and if that doesn''t work then anything goes.

    Thank you.

  10. Hi BS,

    cause Zionists dosen't have another choice ! their is alot of other logical answers but you guys will not like it.

    Hope I answered your request.

    Joke : BS = Bravo Sierra !!! lol.... good day

    Edit : lemon_lorrain

    If you are ashamed from "Barbaric and Barbarous Middle-east" as you said, please leave the erea and tell your folks to leave in a descent way.

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