
Why is Italy paying Libya 5 billion for colonialism?

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When Libyans for hundreds of years were kidnapping Italians and putting them into slavery and part of the Moor invasion of Sicily and South Italy




  1. Ask Mr. Berlusca.

  2. The Germans call it “Realpolitik”.  One country has oil, it’s the starting point of thousands of illegal immigrants, is a natural trading partner and wants to get the best deal out of past “wrongs” and present “assets”. The other either pays for all this or pays another coin, getting a raw deal. Understandable. Not very Ethical, but there again “Realpolitik” is just that.

    As far as your comment is concerned  there is even more to it than you think. The latest act is not only based on the Economics of a $ 5 Bil. payback for having “occupied” Libya from 1911-1942, but also the “return” of a rare statue of the Venus of Cyrene.

    The “occupation” was the legitimate outcome of a war between the Ottoman Empire, to which Tripolitania and Cirenaica belonged, and the Italian kingdom, who won, annexed the area, called it “Libya” and began to populate it with Italians, built roads, schools, hospitals and brought it into the 20th Century. That the forerunner of Italy, Rome, had “occupied” the area for hundreds of years before, that Italian-Romans had created the Venus of Cyrene and placed it on Libyan soil, that Italian archaeologists had rediscovered it and brought it “home” , is prudently “forgotten”.

    The “indemnity” for having killed a great many Libyans, who fought on the Ottoman side and subsequently resisted the transfer of these lands to Italy, is Ethical and just, even though it’s quite a precedent, as practically all countries have had such losses in their history. Can you imagine the French asking for an indemnity for the 100 years war?

    That Italy suffered far more victims at the hands of Moorish pirates over the centuries, Saracen raiders and the “occupation” of Sicily and Southern Italy, is also conveniently forgotten. On the contrary there is even someone asking for “Sicily to be given back to us”.

    It’s loony, but it’s Realpolitik. Take it or leave it.

    The most we can hope for is that this transaction ends the quibbling, improves relations between Libya and Italy and creates a better climate for a peaceful Mediterranean.

    ps It is really astounding how little is known about "lesser History".  The "Moors" as the early Muslim invaders were known, harassed the entire Mediterranean for centuries, "reaping" slave crops from all the coastal Regions. The Saracens (as they were later known) even crossed the entire Peninsula from the Adriatic to the Tyhrrenian (sacking of Farfa/Rieti CE 898), picking up loot and slaves they took back to North Africa. Their main strongholds were Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli.

    A mass invasion of Muslims took over most of Spain, Sicily and the Southern Italian coast, before they were stopped, beaten and driven out, principally by the Normans.

    Pratica di Mare (Pomezia, South of Rome), near where I’ve been living for the last 25 years, had it’s entire population taken away in 1588 by Hassan Aghà. The “colonisation” of North Africa is a very very recent factor, that lasted a few decades, in lands that had previously been part of the Roman Empire for centuries. The raiding and raping of Europe by foreign invaders of North Africa and the Middle East, also lasted centuries.

    We should try and bury the hatchet, respect the status quo and become a peaceful “lake”, like it was under Rome…without loony refunds.

  3. Lybian kidnapping italians? where? when?

    this sounds new for me actually...never heard of it as i never heard that the south had a moors invasion, apart of sicily, as they have been more invaded by people from north europe (like the normans to say you one)....but yes you are still right telling that the payment of 5 billion is a ridiculos thing...when they keep send us immigrants who we are not able to keep....

    Dear ME you need to study history's book as well...good one this time...moors didn't invaded the south but just Sicily...whereabout are you buying those books?at the fish and chips shop? Never heard about normans? never heard abouts swabians? guessing you never heard about Frederick the second...i could stay here ages and teach you history my dear i know it more and more than you....big lack you got in that


    Did I tell they did not kidnapp? Did i tell this?Can you read?...i only say i never heard about that....probably was not the biggest deal with italian a good history book i could miss just one need  the whole of it....sounds as...

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