
Why is Jesus Christ sacrifice an "infinite" atonement and what does that mean?

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What does it mean for his sacrifice to be infinite?




  1. this only works if you believe Jesus was God.  Being eternal means all time.  So to be sacrificed and eternal means it applies to all times past, present, and future (though in eternity such things limit the meaning of eternity)

    That means Jesus died for all sins of all people of all times.  So in a sense, everyone should go to heaven.

    The eternal sacrifice satisfies the eternal punishment meted out by not keeping the eternal law.

    Again, this only works if you believe Jesus was God.

  2. There are probably several reasons, but I think of the atonement being "infinite" in both a qualitative and quantitative sense.

    1) Quantitatively, the atonement literally applies to an infinite number of souls, i.e., all of God's children.

    2) Qualitatively, consider the difference between what we can become with the atonement, and what we would have become without it.  There is an infinite gap - between what we are and what we have the potential to become - that cannot be bridged by our own finite efforts.  This "infinite gap" can ONLY be bridged by the atonement.  

    Thus, the atonement is infinite in its reach and power.

  3. infinite atonement is like the sabbath it never end's. alot of people do not understand that jesus was an indigo with a christ-consiousness. Infinite just mean's to never end. it's not him sacrificed it's the impact off it on man-kind that will last forever.

  4. Jesus is God Incarnate and God is infinite,eternal and ultimate;

    hence,Jesus as sacrifice is also infinite,eternal and ultimate

  5. There are 3 ways in which I feel it's infinite:

    1 - It's everlasting

    2 - It's all-inclusive

    3 - It's personal to an infinite amount of people.

    Some seem to think that Jesus felt a large enough burden for all that everything is covered in one group sum - I strongly disagree.

    The price paid was personal and individual.  Infinite in that sense doesn't mean that we are covered by some massive tab to rectify the law, it means on an intimate, and personal level He suffered for you and I personally.

    It needed to be a sacrifice of a God, and we need to join with Christ in order to take hold of that.  Read Alma 34 sometime and people seem to skip over the part that explains how we often misunderstand it - it asks if a man is sentenced to death can his brother step in for him and gives the answer that he can't.  The law must be fulfilled by the person who committed the crime (sin) and so Jesus on an intimate and personal level joins with us, we become one with Him and share in His grace and mercy.  

    That's why it must be an "infinite and eternal" sacrifice, each of us need to join with Him to take advantage of it.

  6. The fall of Adam and Eve brought about a heritage of death for all of their decendants including themselves.  

    Adam and Eve were commanded to make sacrifices unto God after their fall from the Garden of Eden.  These sacrifices were symbolic in reference to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  These sacrifices were also temporal and mortal in their application.  Alma 34: 10 For it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice; yea, not a sacrifice of man, neither of beast, neither of any manner of fowl; for it shall not be a human sacrifice; but it must be an infinite and eternal sacrifice.

    For the atonement to be completed an infinite atonement must have been wrought.  An atonement that would have lasting effects through the eternities and have the tentacles to reach all of God's creations.

    The laws which God created are his and everlasting.  Such a law and principal taught by the bible teaches that nothing unclean can reside in the presence of the Lord.  This law is demonstrated in the fall of Adam and Eve.  2 Ne. 9: 6-7, 25-26 For as death hath passed upon all men, to fulfil the merciful plan of the great Creator, there must needs be a power of resurrection, and the resurrection must needs come unto man by reason of the fall; and the fall came by reason of transgression; and because man became fallen they were cut off from the presence of the Lord. Wherefore, it must needs be an infinite atonement—save it should be an infinite atonement this corruption could not put on incorruption. Wherefore, the first judgment which came upon man must needs have remained to an endless duration. And if so, this flesh must have laid down to rot and to crumble to its mother earth, to rise no more.

    For an infinite atonement to be made is must be made by.......something that is infinite or immortal.  

    Jame E. Talmage wrote:

    The atonement was plainly to be a vicarious sacrifice, voluntary and love-inspired on the Savior's part, universal in its application to mankind so far as men shall accept the means of deliverance thus placed within their reach. For such a mission only one who was without sin could be eligible. Even the altar victims of ancient Israel offered as a provisional propitiation for the offenses of the people under the Mosaic law had to be clean and devoid of spot or blemish; otherwise they were unacceptable and the attempt to offer them was sacrilege.  Jesus Christ was the only Being suited to the requirements of the great sacrifice:

    1—As the one and only sinless Man;

    2—As the Only Begotten of the Father and therefore the only Being born to earth possessing in their fulness the attributes of both Godhood and manhood;

    3—As the One who had been chosen in the heavens and foreordained to this service.

    As the effects of sin are everlasting so must the forgiveness as provided by the atonement be everlasting and infinite.

    So in summary, the term "infinite" as pertaining to the atonement has a couple of suggestions.  First, "infinite" in terms of time and eternities.  Second, "infinite" in reference to all reaching for God's creations.  And thirdly, "infinite" in full compliance with all of God's laws and attributes.

  7. No other was capable of offering the sacrifice Christ gave. Being the ONLY begotten Son of the Almighty God Eternal, being perfect, sinless and having a mortal mother - HIS sacrifice was the only one that could provide for us eternal life through His death and resurrection and exaltation through His atonement for our sins.  Infinite - eternal, without end....

  8. You can (and people have) write books on the infinite nature of atonement.  Here is my quick summary- it is not all inclusive by any stretch and it by nature a limited description, but hopefully it gets you started learning about it.  

    To me, It means it is from all eternity to all eternity, all encompassing and all reaching.  The atonement is for everyone, for all times, in all places.  It goes beyond all measure and accurate description.  

    To say the atonement was for me is true but at the very same time it was for you and adam, and a person who is yet to be born.  

    It covers both spiritual restoration and the restoration of our physical bodies to an immortal state.  

    It is such an amazing thing to ponder on the magnificence of Christ and His plan.  I'm eternally grateful for His sacrifice.

    Here is a good talk on the atonement:

  9. He is the lamb of God, the lamb provided by God as a sacrifice to atone for all of mankind. God declares that death is the penalty for sin. His sacrifice is to atone for all sins of all times. Our sin separates us from God, Christ is the bridge God provides for man to come back to Him. God has fixed what we never could.

  10. It has no meaning in the real world.

    We are pure sons of God, no matter what Jesus did.

  11. Atonement is essentially a reconciliation with God of a fellowship that was broken due to human sin. In the Old Covenant and under the Mosaic Law, the people achieved atonement by the prescribed animal sacrifices (see the Book of Leviticus chapters 1-11). This atonement was temporary - in the sense that after the sacrifice, if the person bringing the sacrifice committed yet another sin (inevitable) - they would have to bring in yet another offering ... and so on and so forth. In other words, the Old Economy was on long series of bloody sacrifice....

    Then comes the Blessed Lord Jesus Christ - "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (John's Gospel). As the unique Son of the Father - He comes in and take your place and my place on the Cross of Calvary and dies for us - "For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, <em>the just for the unjust</em>, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:"

    The "infinite" worth and value of Christ's sacrifice is beautifully captured by the author of Hebrews - and we read this about HIM in Chapter 9: 11-14

    "But Christ being come high priest of the good things to come, by the better and more perfect tabernacle not made with hand, (that is, not of this creation,) nor by blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood, has entered in once for all into the holy of holies, having found an eternal redemption. For if the blood of goats and bulls, and a heifer’s ashes sprinkling the defiled, sanctifies for the purity of the flesh, how much rather shall the blood of the Christ, who by the eternal Spirit offered himself spotless to God, purify your conscience from dead works to worship the living God?"

    The sacrifice of Christ was fully acceptable to God and is seen in Christ's resurrection - the first-fruits from the dead. There remains no more sacrifice that can be done that would appease God. He is fully satisfied in His Son. Hence the worth and efficacy of His sacrifice is "infinite" and endless.

    Hope this helps

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