
Why is Joe Biden lying about what he saw in Georgia? Is he just another CFR shill?

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Is this another instance of the Democratic Party falling on its spear? Or are the many Democrats willing to plump up a crisis to keep the American Public busy not looking for culpability and criminal trials?




  1. -- Voted in favor of the Iraq War

    -- Voted for the Patriot Act as well as the Patriot Act Reauthorization

    -- Voted for the Real ID Act

    -- Voted "yes" on both immigration blanket amnesty bills, in 2006 and 2007

    ON TOP OF THAT, he's a high-level CFR member and good friends with Leslie Gelb, who sits on the CFR's Board of Directors and a regular Bilderberg Group attendee.

  2. Hes not lying, hes saying exactly what the cameramen in Georgia have been showing all along. You cannot dispute anything he said.

    Why would you try and undermine someone who is trying to spread the truth?  

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